Diuretic foods that fight water retention

Diuretic foods that fight water retention


What you eat and drink can significantly affect the urge to urinate and intensify urination . The list of natural diuretic foods is vast. These include foods we eat more or less daily, drinks and herbs that can bring effective benefits in case of water retention , swelling, etc. Diuretic foods, it should be remembered, are not to be confused with products for weight loss, nor with antihypertensive drugs (used to lower blood pressure ).

Even if promoting the elimination of excess liquids through the  urine may suggest weight loss , however, it is a consequent weight loss due exclusively to the loss of liquids and certainly not of adipose mass , and therefore of fat . Diuretic foods , as well as herbal substances with a draining effect , should be taken after consulting a doctor. Especially in the case of hypertension, it should be noted that this category of foods cannot guarantee the same level of efficacy as diuretic drugs .

A diet that includes discrete quantities of diuretic foods can prove particularly effective in case of water retention and swelling , or for purifying purposes after a period of food excesses.

Most diuretic foods list

Among the foods with the most diuretic properties we find:

  • Asparagus;
  • pineapple ;
  • Celery  and  parsley ;
  • Dandelion (roots and leaves);
  • Eggplant ;
  • Garlic ,  onions ,  leeks ,  shallots ,  chives  (family Liliaceae);
  • Cabbage,  broccoli  and  Brussels sprouts ;
  • Watermelon  and  melons ;
  • Carrots .

Decoction that stimulates diuresis

Dandelion is one of the most widely used naturally occurring diuretics. Herbaceous plant particularly widespread in meadows, but also along roads, on the banks of water courses, it is also known as dandelion . To prepare a decoction with diuretic properties , dry dandelion is used (3-10 grams of drug – roots and aerial parts – at most per day), to be taken three times a day. The dandelion decoction is prepared by bringing 100 ml of water to the boil, to which 5-7 grams of dried roots must be added, then leaving them to macerate for 5 minutes. Everything is filtered and then served. It can be drunk hot or cold .

Diuretic foods

Foods considered as diuretics are foods and drinks which in their composition have substances capable of promoting the elimination of excess fluids and increasing the need to urinate. They are recommended in the diet to increase the expulsion of urine, but also in cases of renal insufficiency ,  hypertension ,  glaucoma ,  cirrhosis of the liver  and  heart failure .

They are foods that contain:

  • Waterfall;
  • Potassium ;
  • Vitamin C ;
  • Caffeine ;
  • Vitamin B6 ;
  • FOS  and osmotic sugars

Among the foods with the greatest diuretic power, we find:

  • Pineapple. Definitely one of the most diuretic fruits. Thanks to the high liquid content of its pulp – 90% of a pineapple is made up of water – it stimulates diuresis and helps drainage. Furthermore, the pineapple contains organic acids, such as citric acid  and malic acid , which enhance the benefits of its consumption due to its digestive, anti-inflammatory and detox power.
  • Cranberry . _ Fruit mainly used for the treatment of urinary tract infections (not in the case of interstitial cystitis , however, because the acidity of the fruit could contribute to more irritation of the bladder ). It is rich in minerals such as potassium, calcium and manganese . Contains vitamin C, flavonoids and tannins .
  • Oranges . An acidic food, rich in vitamin C and water, able to promote the need to urinate, and contribute to the drainage of excess fluids.
  • Watermelon . One of the most hydrating fruits (contains 92% water), watermelon boasts a full-blown diuretic effect. Furthermore, its consumption is recommended for people with kidney stones , as it has beneficial effects on the excretion of salt .
  • Cucumbers . They have a very high water content: they are 95% water.
  • Celery. Celery is another watery, hydrating food that can fill up the bladder and increase the need to urinate.
  • Tomatoes . They help eliminate excess fluids, however they should be eaten in moderation as acidic foods that could irritate an overactive bladder .
  • Dandelion. Dandelion leaves have diuretic powers because they are rich in potassium and bitter substances , which promote diuresis.


These foods are also excellent against facial water retention .

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Herbal remedies with a diuretic effect

In herbal medicine there are herbal remedies that act as natural diuretics and contribute to the elimination of excess liquids and waste , to purify the body and stimulate diuresis. They are, for example: dandelion ,  goldenrod ,  horsetail ,  birch ,  juniper ,  nettle ,  weed  and  asparagus .


Natural diuretic foods and herbs, however, can have serious consequences on the body’s water balance , especially in case of abuse and consumed in excess if not necessary. In this sense, it should be recommended not to follow this diet for more than two or three days, as it could have undesirable effects, such as, for example, an excessive drop in blood pressure and dehydration .



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