Do you eat enough fat? Signs you’re not getting enough

Do you eat enough fat? Signs you're not getting enough

Even though many weight-loss diets ban them, fats aren’t always the enemy of health . While saturated ones can in fact generate various problems with the heart , circulation and more, there are also healthy fats , which perform multiple vital functions .

Completely eliminating these essential macro nutrients from one’s diet is therefore a mistake that the body tries to communicate through various signals.

Recommended daily amount of fat

The indicatively recommended daily fat intake is between 20 and 35% of total calories .

Of course, this percentage should come as much as possible from healthy mono- and polyunsaturated fats and almost none from saturated fat .

Sources of mono- or polysaccharide fats are olive oil , almonds , walnuts , pumpkin seeds , flaxseeds , salmon , and mackerel .

Omega fatty acids contained in anchovies , halibut , salmon, sardines , avocado and eggs also contribute to maintaining health .

Signs of low fat intake

These are the most obvious indicators that testify that not enough healthy fats are being introduced through food.

Hunger continues

Persistent hunger pangs are a telltale sign that you’re eating too little fat .

These nutrients , in fact, play a significant role in communicating the feeling of satiety because they slow down gastric emptying and make sure that the time taken by the stomach to empty itself is longer.

Chronic fatigue

One cause of chronic fatigue may be low fat in the diet.

The reason is that fat provides the body with energy in the form of calories , so reducing its intake also significantly decreases the number of calories and this can lead to feelings of fatigue .

Joint pain

If you’re experiencing cracking and aching joints , the culprit may be a lack of healthy fats on your plate.

This is because inflammation often causes joint pain , which can be reduced by certain types of fats such as monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids .

Poor health

Not eating enough fat can cause several deficiencies that affect your immune system , making you more susceptible to disease

This is especially true with regard to vitamins because many can only be absorbed together with dietary fats and if these are deficient, their assimilation becomes more difficult.

Vitamin E for example is a powerful antioxidant and protects cells from damage, so if it’s not enough, the immune system could weaken.

Vitamin A plays an important role in the health, growth and proliferation of eye cells and a deficiency can lead to severe dry eyes , night blindness and blurred vision .

Vitamin D is integral to bone health , and without it, the body cannot absorb calcium effectively . This can make you more prone to fractures or osteoporosis .

Vitamin K is essential in blood clotting and a deficiency can cause significant bleeding and increased bruising .

Additionally, in the long term, a lack of fat can also increase your risk of inflammation responsible for many serious conditions such as heart disease , stroke , diabetes and cancer .

Foggy mind

The human brain is made up of fat for about 60% and to function at its best it cannot go without it.

A diet high in monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, nuts and avocados can also increase the production of acetylcholine , a neurotransmitter essential for learning and memory retention .

Similarly, research has shown that increased consumption of DHA , a specific omega-3 fatty acid , is linked to a higher likelihood of developing attention deficit disorder, depression , and bipolar disorder .

Dry skin

The lack of fats could also make the skin less soft and supple than usual, since some of them play a primary role in maintaining its health and appearance.

For example, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are precursors to molecules called eicosanoids , which significantly affect skin inflammation , while polyunsaturated fats such as those found in salmon, walnuts and flaxseed , help produce and maintain the skin’s natural oil barrier cell membranes .

Hair falling out

If you notice that you have dry , brittle hair or that you lose more than usual, a lack of dietary fat could be the cause.

Just like the rest of the body, hair indeed needs certain nutrients to stay strong and dietary fats in particular are essential for their health because they help to lubricate the stratum corneum , i.e. the outer layer of the skin, which promotes hydration of the scalp and improves capillary integrity .

Irregular cycle

If you don’t eat enough fat-containing foods, your periods may become irregular and, in severe cases, disappear altogether. This is because fats help regulate estrogen and progesterone so if you don’t get enough of them, your reproductive cycle could fluctuate and be damaged, causing irregular or heavy periods, PMS or anovulation.



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