Does eating too fast cause you to gain weight?

Does eating too fast cause you to gain weight?


Consuming lunch and dinner in less than twenty minutes or breakfast in ten minutes , in a hurry, perhaps standing up, or leaning against a bar counter, between a phone call and a message, multiplies the risk of accumulating excess kilos, and feeling breathless , swollen and not very energetic. Even blood tests could reveal that rush eating is a real bad habit, even doubling the chance of having high cholesterol and triglyceride levels . Metabolizing meals, and the digestive process as a whole, will be much more complicated and time-consuming: when foods are chewed quickly, and not adequately, and swallowed with enthusiasm, the body requires more energy and a greater blood flow . The consequence will be inevitable: drowsiness , tiredness and an excessive sense of post-prandial satiety.

Eating too fast and extra pounds: the study

A study conducted by the Italian Society of Endocrinology , on 187 obese people , highlights the correlation between the time dedicated to the consumption of meals, and weight accumulation . By investigating the table habits of the sample in question, it was found that the time taken for the main meals was less than twenty minutes. Tight and dangerous time, especially for dinner. The cholesterol levels , the metabolic processes, and the consumption of large quantities of food worsened significantly. It seems a contradiction, but the experts have highlighted how those who dine in a few minutes tend to consume several courses such as first courses, second courses, side dishes and often even desserts.

Negative consequences of eating fast

Consuming a meal quickly leads to some negative consequences, especially at the metabolic level which, in the long term, can lead to more serious pathologies. Among the far from beneficial consequences of eating in a hurry, we find:

  • abdominal swelling (due to the amount of air swallowed while eating);
  • postprandial drowsiness;
  • weight accumulation leading to overweight and, in the most serious cases, obesity;
  • sense of hunger
  • digestive problems (digestion is labored and slow);
  • blood sugar spikes
  • malnutrition ;
  • maldigestion ;
  • deficiency of vitamins and trace elements.
  • metabolic syndrome ;
  • arterial hypertension ;
  • abnormal blood levels:  high blood sugar ,  cholesterol, triglycerides ;
  • gastritis , heartburn , and gastroesophageal reflux ;
  • migraine ;
  • tachycardia ;

Does eating fast make you fat?

Eating too fast also penalizes the taste and flavor of the foods that make up the meal which are almost not felt because they are swallowed voraciously. A healthy habit is to take the time to eat, without standing up or doing other things at the same time: chewing must be correct, otherwise you risk introducing a large amount of calories and fat, as well as food . Today’s frenetic rhythms, then, make us lean towards unhealthy food choices, such as ready-to-eat foods , practical because they are quick (precisely) to consume, and, in most cases, of an industrial and ultra-processed type, rich in saltand calories. foods that can be eaten faster are those ultra-processed, such as some sausages , which are very caloric and unhealthy. Spending a few more minutes at the table helps in the prevention of obesity and related metabolic diseases.

Did you know that…

Digestion begins in the mouth while chewing. It is a mistake to think that the way we eat and chew is unrelated to the digestive process . Saliva and teeth , as well as mincing, kneading and lubricating the food, kick off digestion with real enzymes that are already secreted in the salivary glands . Whoever eats quickly, in essence, fails the entire first part of digestion, leaving the difficult task to the stomach .

Benefits of eating a meal slowly

For the prevention of metabolic and digestive disorders and weight gain , it is essential to dedicate at least 40 minutes to main meals and at least 20 minutes to breakfast . The benefits, by observing these good habits, will be evident, such as:

  • improvement of digestion;
  • weight under control
  • sense of satiety
  • it favors the assimilation of nutrients ;
  • reduces the absorption of carbohydrates and fats;
  • improves hygiene and overall oral, gum and dental health;
  • reduces the sense of thirst ;
  • counteracts abdominal swelling and the production of gastrointestinal gas ;
  • reduces anxiety and stress ;
  • prevents gastric reflux,
  • counteracts the metabolic syndrome

Tips for eating more slowly

Here are some things that can help slow down while eating a meal:

  • Try to dedicate the right amount of time: 40-45 minutes for main meals, 20 minutes for breakfast, 10 minutes for snacks ;
  • Eat seated and relaxed (even at work);
  • Consume 5 meals a day in order to avoid overeating to reduce the sense of hunger;
  • Chew slowly and for a long time (count at least twenty movements per mouthful);
  • Take smaller bites;
  • Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day, if there are no medical contraindications ;
  • Conversation to slow down the pace;


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