Foods rich in manganese to strengthen the immune system

Foods rich in manganese to strengthen the immune system


Manganese is not among the best known nutrients , but it is an essential trace element because it supports many processes in the body : according to the American National Institutes of Health (NIH), in fact, it allows various enzymes in the body to function properly, including those that are involved in breaking down food for energy, those involved in bone formation, those contributing to the immune response, and those controlling reproduction . In addition, it helps eliminate free radicals , acting as an antioxidant and is also involved in blood clotting together with vitamin K. In particular, this mineral plays an essential role in strengthening the defense system , so it is important to always introduce it in sufficient quantities to defend against internal and external “enemies”. Here are the foods rich in manganese .

The need for manganese

According to the NIH, women over the age of 18 need 1.8 milligrams of manganese per day, while men over 18 need 2.3 milligrams. Eating foods rich in manganese is the best way to meet the daily requirement of this mineral: here are the foods that are worth introducing into your daily diet.

The mussels

Mussels are by far the food with the highest manganese content: just think that 85 g of cooked blue mussels provide 251% of the daily requirement of manganese . Try steaming them with white wine for a protein dish.

The hazelnuts

Hazelnuts are the second best source of manganese. A small handful, equal to 28 grams, provides 76% of the daily requirement .

The pecans

Among the foods rich in manganese there are also pecans . About ¼ cup of this type of dried fruit satisfies 56% of the requirement for this mineral. Additionally, pecans boast the highest antioxidant content of all nuts and seeds, making them an excellent choice for snacking or filling salads and oatmeal dishes .

Brown rice

Half a cup of cooked brown rice provides 47% of your daily manganese requirement . Brown rice is also a cereal rich in fiber : this is an important property because people who eat a lot of fiber have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes , since these nutrients help slow down the glycemic response . Not only that: the fiber in foods like brown rice can help reduce cholesterol levels , body weight and inflammation, as well as support the microbiome intestinal.

The oysters

Besides mussels, other seafood is also rich in manganese. For example, oysters , which provide almost half of the requirement for this mineral (45% to be precise). Oysters are known to be extremely rich in minerals in general: just think that they are one of the highest sources of selenium and zinc .

The clams

Clams are other fish rich in manganese: about 85 grams of cooked clams satisfy 37% of the daily requirement of this mineral . They can be cooked with pasta , used to make traditional clam chowder, but they can also be steamed and seasoned.

The chickpeas

Half a cup of cooked chickpeas provides 37% of your daily manganese requirement . This serving also offers 7 grams of protein , 6 grams of fiber, and just 134 calories and 2 grams of fat. Chickpeas are also a good source of B vitamins .


A small amount of cooked spinach , equal to 0.8 mg (or half a cup), provides 37% of the daily requirement of manganese. Because leafy greens like spinach shrink significantly in size with cooking , about five cups of raw spinach may need to be cooked to produce half a cooked cup. Cooked spinach can be used to prepare dishes such as soups, casseroles or scrambled eggs .

The pineapple

Half a cup of raw pineapple chunks covers 33% of your daily manganese requirement. Among other things, this fruit is also a natural source of the enzyme bromelain , which promotes the digestion and assimilation of proteins. According to the Cleveland Clinic, bromelain may also help prevent osteoarthritis , support digestion , and help skin and tissue heal.

The edamame

Half a cup of edamame (boiled soybeans) covers 31% of your daily manganese requirement. Edamame is also a great source of vegan and vegetarian protein , with 16 grams per 1/2 cup serving. This makes it ideal for adding to plant-based dishes, such as potatoes , cereal bowls and more.

The oatmeal

A standard half – cup serving of cooked oatmeal contains 30 % of your daily manganese requirement . Whole grains like oats are also beneficial for other reasons: Thanks to the fiber content of beta-glucan, they carry a lower risk of chronic conditions such as heart disease , diabetes , obesity and digestive disorders . Oatmeal is great not only for breakfast , but also for other meals of the day.

The wholemeal bread

A single slice of wholemeal bread provides 30% of the daily requirement of manganese. Since it’s common to enjoy two slices for a sandwich or toast , one can easily get more than half of your daily manganese requirement from this whole grain .



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