Foods rich in Omega 6

Foods rich in Omega 6


Omega 3s certainly have greater prominence as fatty acids capable of bringing significant benefits to general health. Omega-6 fatty acids , i.e. main or semi-essential omega 6 derivatives of linoleic acid such as gamma linolenic acid or GLA (18:3), dihomo-gamma- linoleic acid or DGLA (20:3) and arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4). In addition to being synthesized in the body, these fatty acids can be ingested with food . Good sources of omega 6 are  oilseeds , the  germ  or  embryo  of  cereals ,  legumes and pseudo-cereals, and related  extracted oils . Nutrition experts recommend eating more foods rich in omega-3s instead of cutting back on omega-6s, often caused by inflammation . As for the benefits of omega-6s, linoleic acid and arachidonic acid (two types of omega-6s) have actually been associated with lower risks of heart disease, cardiovascular mortality, and ischemic stroke .

Foods rich in Omega 6

The adequate daily intake of Omega 6 for women is 12,000 milligrams, while for men it is 17,000 milligrams. Here is a list of the top foods rich in omega-6 fatty acids :

  • sunflower seeds , soybeans , sesame
  • wheat germ
  • walnuts ,  peanuts ,  almonds
  • corn
  • sunflower oil,  linseed oil ,  extra virgin olive oil
  • olives
  • legumes.

Tofu, Walnuts and Safflower Oil

Tofu , a soy-based food among the most consumed by vegetarians , vegans and those looking for more plant-based protein options, is an example of a healthy food that contains omega-6 fatty acids: one serving of tofu guarantees 64 percent of the recommended daily dose. Tofu is also a great source of fiber , with nearly 6 grams per cup. Walnuts , considered one of the best foods for brain health , are linked to a decreased risk and progression of brain pathologies, as well as heart disease and type 2 diabetes . A portion of walnuts30-gram contains 64 percent of the daily dose. Oils are a common source of omega-6 fatty acids, and safflower oil is no exception: Just one tablespoon contains 60 percent of the omega 6s we’ll need to get daily. Olive oil, on the other hand, is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids , but contains low levels of omega-6s.

Sunflower Seeds, Walnut Oil and Brazil Nuts

Not only are sunflower seeds a top pick when it comes to vitamin E , a powerful antioxidant , but they also provide a decent amount of omega-6s. The fat and fiber content in sunflower seeds, like all seeds and nuts, will contribute to sustained satiety. Like its source, walnuts, walnut oil is a good source of heart – healthy fats . One 30-gram serving of Brazil nuts contains omega-6s, 2 grams of fiber, and 4 grams of plant-based protein . Brazil nuts are also extremely high in selenium , a nutrientnecessary for reproductive and thyroid health .

Pumpkin Seeds and Peanut Butter

Pumpkin seeds , for example, contain 35% of the daily intake of omega-6s per 30-gram serving. They are a low-carb, high-protein snack that goes perfectly with yogurt , oatmeal but also salads and quiches . Pumpkin seeds also provide zinc , magnesium , and iron (plant-based). Furthermore, peanut butter is a spreadable cream that is rich in vegetable proteins and unsaturated fatshealthy for the body. A 2-tablespoon serving contains 23% of the daily intake of omega-6s.

Chicken and avocado

Chicken meat – especially that of the thigh – is also richer in omega-6. You’ll get the recommended daily amount of zinc, an   important  mineral for immune system support . Avocado is also rich in omega-6: the pulp of a whole fruit ensures 20% of the recommended daily dose of omega-6 and 14% for omega-3.



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