

Halitosis, synonymous with bad breath, is a condition characterized by the emission of unpleasant odors through the respiratory act.



To learn more: Causes of Halitosis

Bad Breath and Mouth Health

The causes are numerous and range from the banal ingestion of particular foods , such as garlic and onions , to real pathologies.More often, however, bad breath reflects a local problem; decayed teeth or affected by pyorrhea , as well as poor oral hygiene , are often associated with halitosis.

This unpleasant symptom is caused by the interdental stagnation of food residues degraded by plaque bacteria ; a decayed tooth , for example, can turn into a small reservoir of food debris, which, like all decomposing organic substances, produce bad smells. Fortunately, saliva and sips of water help clean up the teeth and oral cavity, removing both food residues and bacteria ; on the other hand, night rest decreases the flow of saliva and this explains, at least in part, why bad breath is particularly common upon awakening and in smokers ( smoke, in addition to containing substances that give the breath an unpleasant smell, promotes dry mouth ).

Trivia: Why does your breath smell bad when you wake up? »

Bad Breath and Diseases

The halitosis typical of nasopharyngeal infections (rhinitis, sinusitis , pharyngitis ) and some lung diseases ( bronchiectasis , lung abscess ) is due to the presence of mucopurulent and necrotic material. Bad breath can also be the expression of advanced liver disease, and in this case it takes on a fish- like odor (ammoniacal breath), or of renal insufficiency (when it resembles that of urine ); more pleasant are the fruity exhalations of diabetic ketoacidosis .

Taking certain medications, such as certain antibiotics , can also make your breath smell unpleasant.

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Cures and Remedies

Importance of Oral Hygiene

To prevent and combat bad breath, thorough oral hygiene is essential; only the scrupulous cleaning of the teeth with a toothbrush , dental floss and abundant rinses (possibly flavored), ensures a deep removal of food residues, removing bad breath.

This concept should be very clear to the many people who attribute their halitosis to gastric problems ( stomach acidity , difficult digestions , etc.), without knowing that these disorders actually play a marginal or even zero role.

In fact, we must not forget that the esophagus is closed at its extremities by two muscular rings, which open only to allow the passage of food, belching and vomiting . Incontinence of the lower ring, typical of gastroesophageal reflux , can in any case be accompanied by frequent belching and acid material rising in the esophagus, giving the breath an unpleasant odor.

Proper tongue cleaning also plays a key role in fighting bad breath.

Other Remedies

Read more: Remedies for bad breath

In the presence of halitosis, if the pathologies listed in the last paragraph can be excluded, it is important to go to the dentist to exclude unhealthy conditions of the oral cavity and possibly remedy them.

In the absence of pathological conditions of a local nature, the dentist himself will recommend a series of remedies to combat halitosis . The first, already mentioned, concerns compliance with simple hygiene rules, widely illustrated in the article: caries and oral hygiene.

Secondly, he will be able to recommend mouthwashes and preparations for rinsing and gargling with an antiseptic and covering action (among the most used we find those based on mint and menthol , parsley , fennel , rosemary, coriander and eucalyptus ).



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