How to chew to activate the metabolism

How to chew to activate the metabolism


Correct and slow chewing is closely correlated – positively – with the digestion and assimilation of food nutrients . Not only that, it significantly influences the sense of satiety, the reactivation of the metabolism, the appreciation of the foods consumed in terms of consistency and taste , playing a fundamental role in contrasting weight gain and obesity.

According to some scientific studies that have analyzed the subject, humans chew between 7 and 35 minutes a day. A relatively short time if you consider the more than four hours of the monkeys. A study published in the journal Science Advances would highlight the connection between facial morphology and chewing, therefore with metabolism. The size of the jaw and the shape of the teeth made chewing more effective. However, the processing of foods, which are increasingly refined and processed, but also more chopped, minced and cooked, compared to a decade ago, have significantly reduced the chewing time and the effort of the facial muscles involved . Which means less effortof energy thanks to chewing.

Chewing and metabolism, in summary

  • Slow and thorough chewing helps in weight loss
  • Chewing and reactivation of the metabolism are related
  • Slow chewing improves blood circulation to the vital organs in the abdomen
  • Improves digestion and food absorption
  • Improves thyroid functioning
  • Increases the sense of satiety
  • Visceral fat accumulation is reduced
  • Duration of the meal – not less than 30 minutes
  • Chew each mouthful 15 to 30 times

I study

The researchers’ study aimed to determine the amount of energy required for chewing. The sample under examination was made up of 21 men and women between the ages of 18 and 45 who were made to wear a helmet similar to the one used by astronauts, connected to a tube with which they measured how much oxygen and how much carbon dioxide was exhaled during chewing gum that is devoid of any taste, odor or heat, for 15 minutes. Why this rubber “sterile”?Because the absence of flavors, odors and temperature does not reach the digestive process .

Results. Carbon dioxide levels have risen. When the rubber was soft, the subjects’ metabolic rate increased by about 10 percent compared to when they were at rest; a harder tire instead recorded a 15 per cent increase.

Chewing and face shape

The chewing needs, determined by the consistency of the food, the types of foods themselves, and consumption habits, may have also shaped the morphology of faces . The food is softer, less coarse, easy to chew, which leads to the evolution of more delicate faces, with fairly small jaws, teeth and masticatory muscles . Flatter faces and shorter jaws allow for more effective chewing which involves less expenditure from a metabolic point of view.

How to chew

Consuming foods that are less refined and richer in fiber requires more effective and demanding chewing. The reduced consumption of raw foods, meats , raw vegetables , whole grains and ancient wheat , and the diffusion of processed foods , quick to eat and basically soft or dense, minced, or even spooned, has led to a reduction in chewing and, moreover, to no longer appreciate the textures and flavors of unprocessed food.

How to chew. Slowly chewing a process occurs through which histamine , ie the neurotransmitter involved in allergic reactions , binds to its H3 receptor at the level of the hypothalamus . In this way appetite decreases and lipolysis of the visceral adipose tissue is also activated . Not only that, with slow chewing it improves the functioning of the thyroid, speeding up the metabolism.

How much to chew. Each meal should last at least 30 minutes. Each mouthful should be chewed 15 to 30 times.



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