Is Potato Bread Good For You?

Is Potato Bread Good For You?


Bread, the most common food for Western populations, exists in many varieties. Depending on the flours with which it is mixed, the final result changes in terms of nourishment, beneficial properties, consistency and adaptability to certain diets. For example,  corn or buckwheat bread is also suitable  for people with gluten intolerance or sensitivity or celiac disease , while white , wholemeal or spelled bread  is not suitable. In the preparation of bread, whether homemade, artisanal or industrial, it is possible to add various ingredients to the dough. Among these, in addition to cereals and seeds that enrich the flours, there are also potatoes .

Potato bread can be made using not only the boiled tuber , but also with mashed potatoes or by replacing some of the regular flour with potato starch or potato flakes. Either way, potatoes increase the overall nutritional value, making it comparable to whole-wheat bread for fiber and nutrients like zinc and iron . Potato bread has about the same calories and protein as regular bread, but provides much more potassium than white or whole-grain bread.

Potato bread: nutritional values

Values ​​referred to 100 g of potato bread
Energy value (calories) 266 kcal
Protein 12.5 g
Carbohydrates 47.07 g
sugars 12.5 g
Fats 3.13 g
saturated 0 g
monounsaturated 0 g
polyunsaturated 0 g
cholesterol 0 mg
Dietary fiber 6.3 g
Sodium 375 mg
Alcohol 0 g

Common bread and wholemeal bread vs potato bread

Comparing common white bread, wholemeal bread and potato bread in terms of calories, carbohydrates and proteins, there are no major differences. Of the three, wholemeal bread is the one with the lowest calorie and carbohydrate content and the highest protein content.

  • Common bread : 275 kal – 49 g carbohydrates – 9 g proteins
  • Wholemeal bread : 247 kal – 41 g carbohydrates – 13 g proteins
  • Potato Bread : 266 kal – 47 g carbohydrates – 12.5 g proteins

In terms of energy , the most caloric turns out to be ordinary bread with 10-20 kal more per 100 grams, on average, than wholemeal bread and potato bread (as seen from the list above). Potato bread and wholemeal bread contain a greater quantity of proteins, and therefore are more suitable for sports nutrition .

Bread is a food that is often wasted, here’s how to recycle it .

Higher fiber content

Potato bread and whole-wheat bread have an edge over regular white bread when it comes to fiber;

  • Common bread : 2.7 g of fibre
  • Wholemeal bread : 7 g of fibre
  • Potato Bread : 6.3 g of fibre

Obviously, the amount of fiber obtained can vary depending on whether the flour used in the dough with the potatoes is wholemeal or processed. Potato flour has three times more fiber than all-purpose white flour, while whole-wheat flour provides more than the other two.

Potassium content and mineral salts

If you need to add more potassium to your daily diet (often you only consume about half of the recommended daily amount), potato bread is a great alternative. 100 grams of potato bread contains 718 milligrams of potassium. Potato bread provides nearly three times more potassium than whole grain bread and seven times more than white bread. Potassium protects cardiovascular health because it offsets the impact of sodium, lowering blood pressure .

Minerals contained in 100 g of potato bread

  • Calcium 188mg
  • Iron 2.25mg
  • Magnesium 28mg
  • Phosphorus 369mg
  • Potassium 718mg
  • Sodium 375mg
  • Zinc 1.44mg
  • Copper 0.094mg
  • Manganese 0.253mg
  • Selenium 9.5µg

Can sprouted potatoes be eaten?

Here’s how to eat less bread during meals.

Did you know that…

Many choose to eliminate potatoes from their diet often due to their energy intake. In reality, if eaten in place of cereals and legumes ( the other two sources of starch in the diet), keeping the same portion, potatoes help to significantly reduce the general caloric balance. There is a long debate about their glycemic index – excessive insulin , but this is an incorrect consideration. In fact, this characteristic, in addition to being subject to the glycemic load criterion , changes considerably according to the cooking method and the general composition of the meal. So it is useful to prefer cookingfat-free and combine potatoes with foods with a low glycemic load .

Potato bread: folates

Although potato bread is a good source of folate , it contains about the same amount as white bread. But it does provide much more folate than whole wheat bread, unless the whole wheat bread is fortified with folic acid . Folate and folic acid work the same way, but folate is the natural form, while folic acid is used in supplements . Folate activates many metabolic activities, including those that synthesize DNA and proteins. It also helps produce a substance called S-adenosylmethionine, or SAMe, which helps make neurotransmitters .



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