Sugar or Honey: Which Should You Choose?

Sugar or Honey: Which Should You Choose?


Honey  , contrary to what many believe, is quite similar  to sugar .

Compared to the more traditional  sweeteners  , however, it is rich in some substances that are particularly useful to the body:  vitamins ,  mineral salts  and  natural antibiotics .Considering the small doses of honey consumed, however, it must be considered that the effective intake of these  micro and trace elements  is decidedly low.


Honey has a sweetening power that varies according to its composition. In fact, honeys are not all the same.

Note : even the “sweetening power” itself is a parameter that varies – sometimes quite a lot – depending on the bibliographic source and the research institution.

Since fructose , glucose and sucrose – the other glucides are contained in much lower quantities – have a different sweetening power, the result of the relationship between their quantity and this last parameter will determine the sweetening power of the honey in question. To this we must also add that honey contains about 20% water, while sucrose is almost totally dry.

By attributing a sweetening power of “1” to sucrose, honey fluctuates from 0.7-0.8 to 1.1.

Honey has a  lower  caloric content (304 Kcal  per 100 grams against the 392 of traditional sugar and the 362 of  cane sugar ) because it is richer in  water . Despite this, a teaspoon of honey provides more  calories  and  carbohydrates  than a teaspoon of sugar, due to its greater  specific weight . Honey, especially if not crystallized, is also more difficult to dose.

Le differenza tra questi due dolcificanti è dunque molto sottile; il miele, in virtù del suo contenuto vitaminico e minerale è sicuramente un alimento migliore dello zucchero anche se molte volte gli vengono attribuite proprietà che non possiede. Per un diabetico sostituire lo zucchero con il miele apporta qualche piccolo vantaggio, ma solo a parità di quantità consumate. L’errata convinzione che il miele sia un alimento “benefico” può condurre il diabetico a consumarne dosi eccessive, mettendo a rischio la propria salute esattamente come farebbe consumando dosi eccessive di zucchero.

Finally, it is necessary to say a few words about the quality of honey, often altered by industrial processes and unscrupulous producers. For this reason it is advisable to avoid extra-EU honeys, especially if marketed at a low price by semi-unknown companies.



Rich in vitamins, minerals and other substances useful for the body Less calories for the same volume (a teaspoon of sugar contains fewer carbohydrates than a teaspoon of honey)
Still high sweetening power Similar glycemic index
Less calories for the same weight Easier to dose

Let’s save the bees!

Did you know that there are several organizations that promote beekeeping and bee-awareness? Movements such as “savingbees” ( ask to protect bees , creatures now on the verge of extinction, because without them not only can there be no balance in the ecosystem, but not even a sustainable agricultural future.



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