Vitamin C in November and December fruits and vegetables

Vitamin C in November and December fruits and vegetables


Vitamin C , also known as ascorbic acid , is one of the vitamins we hear about most often in the autumn and winter months , because among its many properties it has that of stimulating the defenses of the immune system , put to the test precisely during the colder times.

There are many foods that contain it. These are the best foods to eat when you have a cold.

All the benefits of vitamin C

But the anti-inflammatory and antiviral action , which make it able to prevent  colds  and flu symptoms, are not the only virtues of this vitamin. It also has strong antioxidant power , lowers cholesterol , prevents the risk of heart disease and reduces the risk of heart attack . In addition, it contributes to the  production of collagen , maintains healthy connective tissues , stimulates  wound healing , prevents bleeding and facilitates bone repair in case offracture .

Last but not least, it is very useful in case of anemia because it facilitates the absorption of iron. 

In this case, the advice is to add a citrus juice to your breakfast, in order to facilitate the iron intake .

Vitamin C also facilitates the absorption of vitamin E , which is also very important because it protects the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays .

Vitamin C also helps maintain healthy teeth .


Unfortunately, our body easily eliminates it through the urine , so to keep its level always high it is necessary to take it regularly through a correct diet .

Equally important, to maintain a general and optimal state of health, also keep the balance of the intestinal microbiota under control .

Vitamin E is also important. These are the causes of its shortage .

Can fruit peel be eaten or not?

Seasonal fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C

All fruits and  vegetables  contain vitamin C in varying amounts .

According to the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, the recommended daily intake is 105 mg for men and 85 mg for women.

Unfortunately, being very delicate and unstable, it deteriorates and decreases considerably with cooking or  with prolonged storage over time. It is therefore better, when possible, to consume raw foods or immediately after having cut and prepared them.

Those that have the most are kiwis , citrus fruits, grapes, tomatoes , peppers , berries , green vegetables, and vegetables from the cabbage family . Most foods rich in vitamin C are also found in the list of healthy and cheap foods that must never be missing in a balanced diet.

Not all of these foods, however, are available in the months of November and December. Here are the ones that, on the other hand, can be found for sale or in your own garden during this period.

The presence of vitamin C can be one of the requirements to consider when choosing the healthiest take-out foods to order .

If you think you won’t eat it immediately, here’s how to freeze fruit correctly .


It begins to ripen in November and its most common variety is the Hayward. In this fruit the amount of vitamin C is much higher than that of citrus fruits, so much so that it reaches 85 mg per 100 grams.

Oranges, tangerines and grapefruit

The winter fruit par excellence, however, the orange continues to be available until late spring. There are many types to choose from: Tarocco, Moro, Sanguinello, Newhall, Navelina, Valencia and Ovale . They differ in colour, size and taste and all can be consumed not only in solid form, but also as juices and jams .

Their vitamin C intake? On average it is equal to about 50 mg per 100 grams, but some varieties even exceed 69 mg.

Smaller and definitely sweeter than oranges , tangerines are also rich in vitamin C, as they contain 42 mg per 100 grams. Even more the Clementines, which reach 58.8 mg.

Grapefruit also belongs to the same family , usually drunk in the form of juice. In this case the concentration of vitamin C is equal to 48 mg per 100 grams.


Due to its sour taste , this citrus fruit is not commonly eaten like the others, despite its very high vitamin C content.

Instead of ingesting it directly, you can drink its juice or combine it with various recipes of meat, fish or desserts, while bearing in mind that cooking drastically decreases its vitamin quantity equal, when raw, to that of oranges.


This fruit arrives on our tables as early as September, but continues to be available throughout the autumn. Its juice can contain up to 340 mg of vitamin C per 100 grams.

Broccoli, cauliflower, kale and Brussels sprouts

Not always loved, especially by the little ones, broccoli are however among the foods richest in vitamin C. In fact, they contain about  77 mg per 100 grams if eaten raw and 64 mg if boiled.

From the same family , cauliflower is also an excellent ally , albeit a minor one, for the intake of vitamin C. In fact, its raw intake stops at 48.2 mg.

Curly kale is less known . Extremely rich in vitamin C (120 mg out of 100 g raw), it easily helps to cover the recommended daily amount.

Finally, Brussels sprouts contain 81 mg if raw or 52 per 100 grams cooked.

Vegetables from the cabbage family, seasonal in autumn and winter, are among the foods indicated to support cognitive functions and improve memory.


One of the most used aromatic herbs , it is not part of the vegetable family, much less that of fruit, but it is an authentic concentrate of vitamin C , given that 100 grams are equivalent to 133 mg.

Of course, being used in the kitchen not as a food in itself but as a flavor enhancer for dishes, the quantity ingested every single time is minimal, but this does not mean that it does not contribute to general well-being.

When choosing foods rich in vitamin C, also give priority to  functional foods that improve skin aging.



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