Vitamin C to prevent gum bleeding

Vitamin C to prevent gum bleeding

Why do gums bleed?

Bleeding gums are often a sign of an  ongoing inflammatory process ( gingivitis ). A manifestation that is usually not painful, but rather annoying, which should not be underestimated, given its possible degeneration into periodontitis . 

The triggering causes of gingival bleeding lie above all in  untreated and correct oral hygiene , which allows plaque  to settle  along the neck of the  teeth , i.e. in the transition area between the crown and the root, protected and “sealed” by the gum. In addition to the bleeding, made evident by  traces of blood in the saliva  or by real losses of living blood , even on the bristles of the toothbrush , it is possible to notice a redness  of the gingival margin and an  oedematous swelling  , soft to the touch, of the same.

Here is a summary of the causes of gum bleeding :

  • Bad oral hygiene
  • Severe deficiencies of vitamin C  ( scurvy ) or vitamin K
  • Hematologic disorders, such as  hemophilia  and   idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
  •  Poorly controlled diabetes
  • Improper use of dental floss
  • Taking certain anticoagulant drugs in excessive doses, such as  warfarin ( coumadin ),  acenocoumarol  ( sintrom ), and  heparin . Aspirin also sometimes causes gingival bleeding

Bleeding Gums: The Vitamin C Deficiency Study

In general, vitamin C also helps maintain dental health .

Strengthening the diet with an increase in the consumption of foods rich in vitamin C  would counteract gingival bleeding, the cause of periodontitis. A study suggests that bleeding gums may be a sign of low levels of this vitamin, also known as ascorbic acid, which contributes significantly to oral health, as well as supporting the immune system and performing an antioxidant action for the whole body . The study conducted by the University of Washington, published in the journal  Nutrition Reviews,explored the additional benefits of consuming vitamin C in the daily diet to help heal bleeding gums.

We analyzed clinical research in six countries involving 1,140 predominantly healthy participants, and data from 8,210 US residents interviewed in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The results showed that bleeding gums , or gingival bleeding tendency, and also bleeding in the eye , or retinal hemorrhage , were associated with low blood vitamin C levels. Additionally, the researchers found that increasing the daily intake of vitamin C in those people with low plasma levelsof vitamin C has helped reverse these problems. Of potential relevance is a tendency for bleeding gums related to general problems in one’s microvascular system and a tendency for microvascular bleeding in the  brain , heart and kidneys .


Vitamin C intake

Increasing the amount of vitamin C in your diet by eating unprocessed foods like cabbage is a good idea. People who eat exclusively lean meats and avoid vitamin- rich offal  and organ meats  may be at particular risk for low vitamin C intake.

Vitamin C is typical of foods of plant origin. Some products known to be rich in ascorbic acid are: all citrus fruits (such as lemons and oranges ), kiwis , pineapples , cherries , chillies , parsley , apples and some green leafy vegetables , lettuce , radishes , spinach , broccoli, etc., some fresh vegetables such as tomatoes , peppers , cabbage, cauliflower. By the way, perhaps many do not know that vitamin C is thanks to herantioxidant power , it is widely used as a food additive known as E300.

Daily requirement of Vitamin C

The recommended dose of vitamin C (estimated on body POOL, excretion rate, absorption capacity, etc.) could correspond to 45mg daily. Considering, however, that food processing causes a significant loss of it, an intake of 60mg per day seems more beneficial . Obviously, the need for ascorbic acid can increase more or less significantly on the basis of certain conditions, such as for example: absorption deficit , pregnancy (which requires a supplement of 10mg per day), breastfeeding ( which requires an increase of 30mg) and smoking (which instead doubles the overall requirement). In Italy, thanks to theMediterranean diet , the intake of vitamin C varies between 100 and 120mg per day .

Natural remedies for bleeding gums

Some natural remedies to fight gum bleeding:

  • Water and salt . Rinsing with warm salted water is a useful way to disinfect and reduce inflammation of the gums.
  • Drinking green tea can help in case of periodontitis and bleeding gums, thanks to catechins , a natural antioxidant that reduces inflammation in the body and fights bacteria present in the mouth.
  • Oil pulling with coconut oil : Use a tablespoon of coconut oil to dissolve in the mouth as a mouthwash.
  • 100% pure Aloe Vera gel to be applied directly to the gums. Give a light massage, leave it to act for about half an hour and then rinse.


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