What to eat before sleep?

What to eat before sleep?


For our health is it recommended  to eat  something  before going to sleep ? There are several theories on the positive or negative consequences of eating in the evening before going to bed. Although many studies have shown that eating late in the evening is not entirely beneficial , however there are some foods that it is even recommended to eat before sleeping, and which can therefore be functional snacks for the well-being of the body and facilitate sleep . These are obviously small portions of food , which do not weigh down the stomachor to interfere with the time and quality of rest.

The quality of rest also improves if you get up early in the morning .

Getting more sleep can also lead to weight loss.

Eating before bed: why it’s good for you

Eating before bed, or an hour or two before bed, can, contrary to widely held beliefs,  promote weight loss . A small snack , in fact, can stimulate and accelerate the metabolism , thus managing to keep  blood sugar levels stable throughout the night . This allows the hormone glucagon , which is responsible for burning fat, to kick in just as you sleep. Furthermore, the snack will not make  sleep restless: preventing the drop in blood sugar level also allows you to fall asleep faster and enjoy a peaceful and restorative rest. Moreover, the evening snack helps to support the immune system and to get up in the morning with energy.

Did you know that…

Another feature that nighttime snacks must have is the low sugar content to keep insulin at bay and not cause further hunger peaks: for this reason, those who dine late in the evening, or even at eleven or midnight, will have to reduce quantities and choose foods with a high satiating power .

Foods suitable for the evening snack

The evening snack is therefore allowed and , indeed, can be a valid aid for the subsequent rest. There are light and mineral -rich foods that are suitable to be consumed before sleep. It is important to remember that in any case the  snack  must be  small portions , to avoid going to bed with excessive weight on the stomach. Furthermore, it should be consumed at most  half an hour before  going to bed to avoid  reflux phenomena, especially in those who suffer from it .

Here are some foods that are commonly  recommended and that benefit the body at night:

  • Apple , banana , pear , cherries: they dampen the appetite and do not weigh down the stomach
  • Blueberries : rich in essential amino acids , vitamins , antioxidants
  • Avocado : rich in sedative minerals such as magnesium and potassium : consume half, drizzled with a little oil
  • Cottage cheese 
  • Unsalted olives : they quench hunger and have a relaxing power .
  • Greek yogurt and oat flakes : they offer benefits to digestive health as they protect the intestinal flora and help to reconcile sleep
  • Vegetables (raw) : lamb’s lettuce , mixed salad, carrots , celery , zucchini , are ideal as a night snack. Avoid green and leafy vegetables which could cause excessive bloating and disturb sleep
  • Nuts ( almonds and walnuts ) : they are rich in sedative minerals and tryptophan , an amino acid with a natural relaxing power.

Did you know that…

The ideal foods to consume as an evening snack, before going to bed, should contain two essential elements for good rest: tryptophan and melatonin . The first is an amino acid that promotes sleep. Since we can’t produce tryptophan naturally, it’s important to consume foods that contain it . They are mainly milk , cheese , eggs , nuts, fish and beans . Melatonin, on the other hand, is a hormone that regulates sleep and influences the body’s sleep-wake cycle, promoting falling asleep. Foods rich in melatonin are cherries , walnuts, bananas , oatsand tomatoes .

Two snack ideas for those who are very hungry before bed

Those who feel hungry before going to sleep and want a savory snack can opt, for example, for a small toast of wholemeal bread with cooked ham (the carbohydrates in the bread trigger the release of insulin, which can help the restorative tryptophan , while the ham proteins favor the production of hormones that dampen hunger), or wholemeal crackers with chickpea hummus , which also in this case boast an ideal supply of carbohydrates and proteins  .

Foods to avoid before bed

On the contrary, there are foods that you absolutely must avoid  in the evening before sleeping. These are, for example, spicy , acidic or fatty foods , which can primarily cause heartburn and gastric reflux , but also insomnia . Lying down too soon after eating can cause a burning sensation in the chest or a reflux of stomach acid. In general, it is strongly discouraged to eat large portions of food at dinner, and before going to bed, especially for people suffering from bronchial and lung problems. Ingested food, in fact, could aggravate the health conditions of people suffering from asthma as it remains in the stomach all night and affects the movement of the chest .



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