Yogurt: how to choose it according to its characteristics

Yogurt: how to choose it according to its characteristics

Yogurt is a beneficial food from many points of view, however choosing it is not as simple as it seems because the types are different .

What differentiates them are the basic formulations, the additional ingredients but not only. So here’s how to figure out which yogurt is best suited for you based on personal tastes and nutritional needs.

Types of yogurts

The first differentiation between yoghurts can be made by taking into consideration the type of milk used to produce them.

Yogurt is full-fat if made with milk with a minimum fat content of 3.5%; lean if with skimmed milk , or with fat around 0.1%; or prepared with a milk other than cow’s milk .

Furthermore, only the two typical ferments may be present in yogurt, i.e. Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus, or even others , mainly probiotics such as Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus or Kefir .

The type of process also matters because it determines the consistency of the product. If prepared with a broken clot it is semi-liquid; while with whole clot more compact. A separate category is Greek yogurt , which undergoes filtration to remove whey .

Additional ingredients also make yoghurts different . If they don’t exist, yogurt is defined as natural, otherwise it can be fruit, chocolate , cereal or in various other ways.

Yogurt is also a great egg substitute .

An alternative to yogurt can be Skyr .

Ingredients and nutritional values

There are several things to consider before choosing a yogurt.

However , the main ones are the list of ingredients , which should be as short as possible and that of nutritional values ​​, in which particular attention should be paid to sugar , preferring if possible yoghurts that do not have added sugar .

These are the other parameters to check.

  • Calories : they are usually between 80 per 100 grams of a light white yogurt and 130 of a whole fruit one.
  • Proteins : about 3-3.5 g/100g.
  • Fats: in whole yoghurt they are about 3.5-4 g/100 g.
  • Sugars : in yogurt they are present in the form of lactose but also of added sugars in variable quantities.
  • Calcium : about 135 mg/100 g.
  • Vitamins : as in milk, the vitamins most represented are B2 and B12, followed by vitamin D.

Difference between traditional and soy yogurt

In the refrigerated counter of supermarkets there are also soy -based products which are fermented with the same lactobacilli typical of yoghurt . These preparations represent an alternative for vegans and can also be consumed by those who are lactose intolerant .

Considering the versions with no added sugars, compared to classic yoghurts they provide a lower quantity of kcal because sugars are practically absent, while natural yoghurt has a natural content of sugars derived from milk, equal to about 4%.

Even the fats of these soy-based products are lower , about half of those present in traditional yogurt, while the amount of protein is the same, as well as that of calcium , which is often added, and vitamins B2, B12 and D.

Benefits of yogurt

Yogurt is a food that is good for your health thanks to various factors, starting from its high presence of calcium which makes it perfect for those who aim to make their bones stronger but without ingesting too much fat, as occurs by eating other types of dairy products including cheeses .

Plus, yogurt is high in protein and B vitamins .

Thanks to some epidemiological studies it has also been found that diets rich in yogurt would lead to the development of a reduced risk of metabolic syndrome and a lower tendency to gain weight in the long term.

Another advantage not to be underestimated is that yogurt, thanks to the presence of the lactase enzyme inside it , can facilitate the digestion of lactose , thus decreasing the problems associated with its consumption by people who are intolerant to this element or who show greater difficulty of the norm to digest it.

When to eat yogurt

Precisely thanks to its characteristics that make it an extremely healthy and highly digestible food , yogurt can be eaten at any time of the day. In fact , the guidelines for a healthy diet recommend taking three portions a day of milk and yogurt , equivalent to 125g per portion or about a jar.

Particularly suitable for breakfast , during which it can be eaten alone or as a base for porridge .

Many people also prefer it as a mid-morning snack or afternoon snack.

At any time of the day you decide to eat yogurt, it is better to choose it low-fat or with no added sugar.



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