
Intermittent fasting: effects and benefits

Intermittent fasting: effects and benefits

Intermittent fasting: what is it? Intermittent fasting is a weight loss system based on the cardinal principle of creating a fasting "  window" (time frame) with ...
Mediterranean Diet: Pros and Cons

Mediterranean Diet: Pros and Cons

On this site, as in many others, we often talk about the Mediterranean diet . However, the term diet is improper because, ...
Diet and Aging: Eat well to live long

Diet and Aging: Eat well to live long

According to recent estimates, children born in the early twenty-first century have a life expectancy of about one hundred years ...
Diet and Glycemic Index

Diet and Glycemic Index

Introduction The glycemic index ( GI ) is a parameter which, referring to foods , meals or diet in general, evaluates their ability to increase blood sugar (amount of glucose in the ...
Hashimoto diet: what is it? pros and cons

Hashimoto diet: what is it? pros and cons

Introduction Hashimoto's thyroiditis - sometimes referred to as Hashimoto's or Hashimoto's disease - is one of the most common thyroid disorders in developed countries. Even ...
Diet 5 Colors of Fruits and Vegetables

Diet 5 Colors of Fruits and Vegetables

Color diet Mediterranean diet: rich in colors and natural foods For years, nutritionists have valued the " Mediterranean diet " because it ...
Dissociated diet

Dissociated diet

What is the Dissociated Diet? The dissociated diet, described for the first time in the book Food Allergy , published in 1931 ...
Diet and diarrhea

Diet and diarrhea

Premise The diet to combat diarrhea consists of a series of recommendations on foods to choose and those to avoid in order to help resolve the ...
Depurative Diet: What to Eat?

Depurative Diet: What to Eat?

What is the Depurative Diet? A purifying diet is a particular diet, aimed at enhancing the elimination of toxic substances present in ...
Fruit and Vegetable Diet: White

Fruit and Vegetable Diet: White

Properties of White Vegetables White group fruits and vegetables contain quercetin , a phytochemical with high antioxidant power, useful in the prevention of various cancers  ...