
Food labels

Food labels

ALL ABOUT FOOD LABELS Nutritional and therapeutic aspects, indications and advice for the consumer, harmful additives and prevention, mineral water labels ...
Mineral water label

Mineral water label

Choosing the numerous mineral waters available on the market is certainly not easy, not only for the aesthetic question or for the ...
Dehydration: symptoms, causes and remedies

Dehydration: symptoms, causes and remedies

Introduction Water in the Human Body The  quantity of water  present in the human organism reaches very high values, so as to ...
Cholesterol Oils and Fats

Cholesterol Oils and Fats

Food Cholesterol [mg/100g] Butter 260 Lard 95 100% vegetable margarine 0 Margarine 2/3 animal fat and 1/3 vegetable fat 50 vegetable ...
Cholesterol and Offal

Cholesterol and Offal

Food Cholesterol [mg/100g] Cooked beef sweetbreads 466 Cooked bovine brain more than 2000 Cooked beef heart 274 Cooked chicken heart 231 ...
Celiac Disease: Permitted Foods and Forbidden Foods

Celiac Disease: Permitted Foods and Forbidden Foods

What to eat if you suffer from celiac disease In the diet for celiac disease , foods belonging to the various product ...
Indigestion - Dyspepsia

Indigestion – Dyspepsia

Digestion and Modern Eating Habits Digestion is an essential process for the life of man and many other living organisms. Feeding is ...
Tooth decay and nutrition

Tooth decay and nutrition

Introduction Dental caries is a bacterial infection whose course is generally slow and which in its appearance involves various factors ...
Useless calories

Useless calories

An extra drop of wine , a can of coca cola at the restaurant, a sugary coffee in the middle of the afternoon, some oil added ...


Caffeine is a substance belonging to the alkaloid family , a group of compounds that are widespread in plants. Caffeine, like the ...