Weight maintenance for cancer prevention

Weight maintenance for cancer prevention


Nutrition , as we know, plays a fundamental role in our health: with our eating habits we can not only keep ourselves in physical shape, but primarily prevent or prevent the risk of the onset of many diseases Among these is  cancer  which in reality is not a single pathology, but a generic term used for a  large group of diseases  that can affect any part of the body and which today represent the  second cause of death  in Italy and in the world , preceded only by cardiovascular disease .
I’m  Giorgia Arosio , I’m a nutritionist biologist, and my purpose in these videos is to share with you the  main links that exist between nutrition and cancer , especially by focusing on the relationship between maintaining body weight for cancer prevention , and doing a bit of clarity on this topic and let you know what today, according to the main Cancer Research Institutes, are the eating habits most correlated to its onset, i.e. the most important ones to follow from a prevention perspective, and those which on the contrary, it would be more important to contrast, since they are more correlated to an increase in risk.
Currently,  between 30 and 50% of cancers can be prevented  by avoiding risk factors and implementing existing evidence-based prevention strategies.
The combination of  poor eating habits and physical inactivity  is the  second most important risk factor  for the onset of cancer, preceded only by tobacco smoke , which alone causes about a third of cancer deaths.
The food habit that most of all correlates with an increase in risk is that of  eating more than the energy requirement  necessary  to keep us healthy, leading our body to accumulate its energy stocks , until it reaches a state of  overweight or obese .
According to the latest surveys by the WCRF, which is the International Fund for Research against Cancer, there is strong evidence that being overweight or obese in adulthood  increases the risk of cancer in as many as 12 tumor sites .
Even if for simplicity it still refers to  excess body weight  , what really matters and is most correlated with the risk of cancer is  excess adipose tissue , especially if it is located in the abdomen, the so-called ” visceral fat “.
The reasons for this correlation are various:

Body fat  , when it is in excess, leads to the production of proteins capable of triggering a state of chronic inflammation in our body  , which is considered one of the most relevant risk factors . The big problem with chronic inflammation is that it affects the cellular replications that take place in our body every day to meet the various needs of the organism. When these replications take place in a cellular environment that is constantly inflamed, then more opportunities are created for those cellular replication errors to occur which, if they accumulate, can give rise to disease.

Furthermore, excess adipose tissue leads to excessive production of  insulin  and other hormones capable of stimulating  cell proliferation , and this too can favor the origin and growth of cancer cells.

A very intuitive way to get an idea of ​​your amount of visceral fat is to measure the  circumference  of your waist . In women this circumference should not exceed 80 cm, while in men it should be less than 94 cm.
It’s never too late to make those lifestyle changes that can help you stay healthier, and not just in terms of preventing cancer. The excess of waist circumference and therefore of central fat is in fact also correlated with the increased risk of the most important chronic pathologies, such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes .
In the next videos we will see the eating habits which are specifically more important for the prevention of cancer, both indirectly because they affect body weight and for their direct action on the quality of our cellular replications.


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