

Aphrodisiacs in history and aphrodisiac remedies

Aphrodisiacs are substances that stimulate and cause sexual desire and arousal. Their name comes from Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty, sexuality and lust.Since ancient times (Egyptians, Greeks and Romans) man has researched, selected and disseminated substances with aphrodisiac properties in order to awaken their sexual appetites at the right moment. Among all these substances there are also many foods, selected because they are able to overcome emotional blocks and reluctance. Let us think, for example, of alcohol and its properties, if not aphrodisiac, at least disinhibiting and socializing .

Exceptional sexual services would, according to tradition, also be attributable to certain foods . Among these the best known are oysters , caviar , prawns , truffles and some spices ( pepper , chilli pepper , cinnamon , nutmeg , cloves , saffron , vanilla , ginger ).

Particularly sad and distressing is the belief that certain exotic concoctions deriving from endangered animal body parts have aphrodisiac properties (rhinoceros horns, snake blood, whale meat , etc.).

Although these are useless legends , the recklessness with which men and women buy and use these substances to make more money under the sheets should make us think.

If then these aphrodisiac remedies are used with the aim of taking a person to bed, it means that, in addition to having touched him, we have also broken through to rock bottom. Yet the web is full of remedies, magical pheromone -based sprays , capable of making the partner fall into our arms. Whether they succeed or not, they are in any case subtle and slimy remedies just like the spirit of those who buy and use them. There are probably very few things more humiliating than being reduced to needing foods or substances with supposed aphrodisiac effects to get someone to bed. It simply means being insecure, not believing in yourself, and having a strong propensity for fraud (a bit like stealing to make money).

The matter obviously falls apart if, for example, a pinch of hot pepper is added to the partner’s dish with the belief that it can make him more uninhibited and sexually active. If making this gesture on a first date is not morally commendable, doing it with the consent and complicity of the partner, when he has already clearly expressed his interest in us, can help create an atmosphere of complicity by adding, it is precisely the case to say it, a little spice to the evening.

Aphrodisiacs should not be used for the purpose of conquering and seducing the object of our desires. If anything, they can help add some spice and complicity to a pleasant evening with your partner.

To conquer the person of our interest, please, let’s try to focus on our qualities, without resorting to miserable tricks which, if we think about it, are just the despicable fruit of an insecure soul.

Do aphrodisiacs really work?

Anaphrodisia is the lack of sexual desire which can be linked to congenital or acquired psychophysical diseases (hormonal alterations, psychological blocks, severe stress , etc.). In most cases the origin of the problem is of a psychological nature and the belief that a particular substance can rekindle the lost desire can help ( placebo effect ). The atmosphere, intimacy, complicity and having spent pleasant moments in the company of the partner help to further reinvigorate sexual appetites.

These are the more or less scientific and rationally acceptable aspects on which the effectiveness of aphrodisiacs is supposed to be based.

Numerous scientific researches have in fact demonstrated that the aphrodisiac power of certain substances or foods is linked only to a phenomenon of psychic suggestion. From the pharmacological point of view, however, there are no certain data that prove its efficacy.

Returning a little down to earth, any person with a minimum of logic would realize that the rather long times of the digestive processes would not allow an immediate aphrodisiac effect. Furthermore, the belief according to which some foods have aphrodisiac properties due to their richness in substances essential for sexual functions has no scientific basis. Caviar, for example, is rich in zinc , an important mineral for the production of sperm but, unless there is a significant deficiency, the intake of this substance does not increase the number of sperm produced.

Without going too far we can therefore say that some foods and substances actually have aphrodisiac properties which are based above all on psychological and cultural factors ( placebo effect ).



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