Garlic and Onions: Properties and Benefits

Garlic and Onions: Properties and Benefits


As condiments, onion and garlic give a rich and fragrant flavor (even if not appreciated by all) to food in many cuisines, from East to West. In reality they are much more than tasty: their consumption, in fact, has been associated with numerous health benefits , including the lowering of cholesterol, blood pressure and the risk of the onset of some forms of cancer.

Garlic, compared to onions, has been the subject of more scientific studies which have shown how, for example, eating garlic for over eight weeks has significantly reduced total cholesterol both in healthy patients and in patients with high cholesterol. Not only that, lowering of fasting blood sugar levels in people with diabetes and systolic and diastolic blood pressure in hypertensive subjects would also have been highlighted . Finally, garlic reduces inflammation in the body.

Onion and garlic have many beneficial similarities, such as containing flavonoids and polyphenols, which are plant compounds with antioxidant properties that could help ward off degenerative diseases. Some scientific studies have shown how flavonoids extracted from onions seemed to inhibit colorectal cancer and decrease hyperlipidemia, a condition in which there are high levels of fat particles in the blood.

Garlic: nutritional properties

The main compound contained in garlic is allicin : this is released when the enzyme allinase acts on alliin, and is a fairly powerful natural antibiotic , capable of inhibiting numerous types of bacteria . In addition to allicin, garlic contains other antibacterial substances such as garlicin; it is rich in mineral and oligomineral substances , such as magnesium ,  calcium, phosphorus ,  iodine  and  iron ; there are traces of  zinc ,  manganese ,  selenium ,  vitamin C (only in fresh garlic),  provitamin A ,  vitamins  B1-B2- PP ; contains hormone-like substances and enzymes ( lysozyme  and peroxidase).


Chemical composition value per 100g RDA (%)
Calories 41 calories
Edible part 75%
Waterfall 80g
Available carbohydrates 8.40 g
Complex carbohydrates 0
Soluble sugars 8.40 g
Protein 0.90 g
Fats ( Lipids ) 0.60 g
Total saturated
total monounsaturated
Total polyunsaturated
Cholesterol 0
Total fiber 3.10g
Soluble fiber
Insoluble fiber
Alcohol (g) 0
Sodium 3 mg 0.20% RDA
Potassium 600 mg 12.77% RDA
Iron 1.50 mg 18.75% RDA
Soccer 14 mg 1.40% RDA
Phosphorus 63 mg 9% RDA
Magnesium N/A
Zinc N/A
Copper N/A
Selenium N/A
Thiamine ( Vit. B1 ) 0.14 mg 11.67% RDA
Riboflavin ( Vit. B2 ) 0.02 mg 1.54% RDA
Niacin (Vit. B3 or PP) 1.30 mg 8.13% RDA
Vitamin A retinol eq. 5 µg 0.56% RDA
C vitamin 5 mg 5.56% RDA
Vitamin E N/A
Vitamin B6 N/A
Vitamin B12 N/A
Manganese N/A

Benefits of eating Garlic

Consuming garlic is beneficial in many respects. In fact, there are several healthy properties of this plant widely used in cooking, all over the world. Benefits include :

  • promotes hair growth
  • stimulates cell growth (due to inositol )
  • regulates insulin levels by lowering the blood sugar level
  • it is an ally in the treatment of metabolic syndrome and diabetes
  • strengthens the immune system 
  • it is a natural bactericide
  • regulates blood pressure
  • reduces the risk of   arterial  sclerosis ,
  • regulates the level of cholesterol  and  triglycerides in the blood
  • counteracts  meteorism  and abdominal cramps  ,
  • protects against dangerous heavy metals.

Onion: nutritional properties

The onion is a product of vegetable origin belonging to the group of vegetables . It contains a lot of  water  and has a fair amount of  fructose ,  sugar  which, in addition to giving it a certain sweetness, gives it a mild energy function. Proteins   and lipids are irrelevant ; cholesterol  is absent. Even in terms of vitamins and fiber content, it is irrelevant.

Nutritional values  ​​per 100 g
Power 40 kcal
 total carbohydrates 9.34 g
Starch – g
Simple sugars 4.24 g
fibers 1.7g
Fats 0.1g
Saturated – g
Monounsaturated – g
Polyunsaturated – g
Protein 1.1g
Waterfall 89.11g
Vitamin A  equivalent – μg – %
Beta-carotene – μg – %
Lutein  Zexanthin – μg
Vitamin A – UI
Thiamine or B1 0.046 mg 4 %
Riboflavin or B2 0.027 mg 2 %
Niacin  or  PP  or B3 0.116 mg 1 %
Pantothenic acid or B5 0.123 mg 2 %
Pyridoxine or  B6 0.12 mg 9 %
folate 19.0 μg 5 %
Choline – mg – %
Ascorbic acid  or C 7.4 mg 9 %
Vitamin D – μg – %
Alpha- tocopherol  or E – mg – %
Vit. K – μg – %
Soccer 23.0 mg 2 %
Iron 0.21 mg 2 %
Magnesium 10.0 mg 3 %
Manganese 0.129 mg 6 %
Phosphorus 29.0 mg 4 %
Potassium 146.0 mg 3 %
Sodium – mg – %
Zinc 0.17 mg 2 %
Fluoride 1.1 μg – %

Benefits of Eating Onion

The onion contains several phototherapeutic substances with obvious health benefits. Among these, we mention:

  • potential anticancer activity , especially with regard to  colon ,  stomach  and  prostate cancer, action exerted by quercitin ;
  • diuretic action
  • antihypertensive function (due to the presence of flavonoids , but also of alliin and derivatives),
  • vermifuge function , and  antibiotic especially in the intestine,
  •  purifying and  anti-gout action  (promotes the elimination of nitrogenous waste and uric acid ).


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