How to Choose a Snack Rich in Nutritive and Green Properties

How to Choose a Snack Rich in Nutritive and Green Properties


An excessively hectic lifestyle can be the cause of numerous behavioral or general approach “errors”.

To remain more or less compromised by the “lack of time” – or presumed such – are, in particular, the diet , motor activity and the space dedicated to mental regeneration – which can coincide with regular physical exercise , but also not .With specific reference to diet, it is possible to use some “expedients” and “stratagems” which allow us to remedy the eating disorder and the inevitable frugality of meals in a fairly useful and effective way.

We are talking about the consumption of snacks , and more precisely those  rich in nutritional properties .

In this article we will try to better understand how to choose a comfortable and practical snack , but also full of energy macronutrients , fiber , vitamins and minerals .

How to Choose?

What to consider when choosing the ideal snack

To understand how to choose the snack that best suits your needs, we should first ask ourselves a few questions:

  • Why do I need it?
  • What nutritional characteristics should it possess?
  • Is it important that it is good?
  • Is its production sustainable?

Why do I need it?

The reason that drives us to consume a snack is far from obvious.

The reasons can be different, even co-present, and often with percentages of very different importance.

Among the main reasons we mention:

  • Appetite or hunger : in this case we should give priority to satiating snacks, such as those rich in fiber , which have a satiating power, and in nutrients primarily intended for the production of cellular energy (fats and carbohydrates );
  • Energy requirement: to satisfy this urgency, it is essential that the snack provides an adequate caloric intake;
  • Compensation for nutrients deficient in one’s diet ( vitamins , minerals , essential fats, etc.);
  • “Wanting”: the snack must satisfy a certain mental need without running the risk of overeating. In this sense, paradoxically, “big-packs” are easier to manage, because they allow for easier portioning.

What nutritional characteristics should it possess?

To answer this question, he should analyze the diet in a complete and exhaustive way.

On the other hand, if each of us had these skills, we would not have this little problem. In this sense, statistical insights help us by suggesting that, in the Western diet, the nutrients and nutritional factors that are most often lacking are those linked to foods of plant origin:

  • Unsaturated fats (also essential polyunsaturated );
  • Vitamin E ;
  • Certain minerals, such as potassium , magnesium , etc.;
  • fibers;
  • Antioxidants of non-vitamin or mineral origin, such as polyphenols , flavonoids , etc.

This means that the choice of the most nutritious snack should focus on vegetable products, preferably rich in the principles mentioned above.

Is it important that it is good?


The field experience of nutrition professionals suggests that the first factor in support of dietary compliance is precisely the adequacy of foods with reference to people’s tastes and habits.

While guaranteeing the nutritional balance of the diet, it is very useful – if not essential – to satisfy the tastes of each person.

Combining taste and health may seem like a real utopia to many; but is not so. Especially referring to those who have never had the opportunity to experiment and get used to certain flavors.

In fact, for many, the choice of junk foods or products rich in fat or sugar depends on a total lack of food education .

Obviously, the “re-education” of the palate always takes some time. But not only that, the success of these interventions also depends a lot on an intelligent food choice.

To give a practical example: if the person likes foods with a crunchy consistency, such as chips in a bag, a sensible replacement could be with oilseeds. Conversely, if the subject prefers a sweet taste, instead of the classic sweets or sweets of various kinds, we could recommend dried fruit.

Is its production sustainable ?

Nowadays, it is impossible to ignore the criterion of sustainability .

This is because we have finally reached an awareness: human survival and development are inexorably linked to the environment .

Everything we do has an impact on the ecosystem and, at a macroscopic level, what concerns agri-food production seems to play a fundamental role.

Any snack should therefore be produced with the most ” green ” approach possible, i.e. in compliance with the principles of ecological sustainability.

We’re not just talking about the rules that regulate cultivation , i.e. a possible biological regulation  or water footprint , but also everything that affects its marketing.

Currently, many certain companies have decided to convert the entire packaging system, switching from synthetic polymers to biodegradable or even compostable natural ones .

Being able to choose, preferring similar products would undoubtedly constitute a virtuous and responsible attitude .

In conclusion: Which Snack to Prefer?

In conclusion, the choice of the most appropriate snack should take into account all the considerations made up to now.

Let’s say that, in general, the association between fruit and oilseeds responds to most of the essential trappings mentioned above. Then, logically, each case is unique.

Obviously, for reasons of convenience, they are often chosen in dried form (possibly pitted or shelled). This makes their systematic and habitual consumption much more manageable, even quickly, to the advantage of the nutritional balance and therefore of the general psycho-physical well-being .

However, let’s not forget the importance of a sufficient supply of water in the diet. Therefore, consuming “dried” foods, we should remember to increase the portions of water during the day.

As regards the format, dried fruit and nuts are easily contextualized both in purity, preferably ” whole ” (unpeeled) – even in special mixes – and in the form of bars .

Our advice is to vary as much as possible between products that satisfy all the needs of the case, and to combine them with other useful foods , for example a yogurt with no added sugar and skimmed milk , a derivative of cereals or legumes (for example one or two biscuits), or a protein source (a hard-boiled egg or, for those who exclude foods of animal origin, a small portion of tofu ).

For those with special needs, such as very busy sportsmen or people who are overweight or characterized by metabolic derangements, or who are pregnant/ breastfeeding , we suggest finding an adequate solution after consulting a dietitian with nutritional advice.



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