Probiotics and Diarrhea

Probiotics and Diarrhea

What are?

Probiotics are microorganisms with a beneficial action that are often used to treat or reduce the symptoms of diarrhea .

The group of probiotics includes a wide range of bacteria but not all of them have the same characteristics and the same effectiveness; the most common are Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria .

How they act

Probiotics are live microorganisms which, if introduced orally , modify the balance of the intestinal physiological bacterial flora , settling in and competing with any pathogens (bacteria, viruses and protozoa ) responsible for acute and/or chronic diarrhea (type secretory/inflammatory).

Diarrhea and Probiotics

What is Diarrhea

By secretory/inflammatory diarrhea we mean the inflammatory hypersecretion of water and electrolytes by the intestinal mucosa . The most important side effects of diarrhea are dehydration and malnutrition . Diarrhea can be defined as acute or chronic based on the persistence of symptoms (< or > 13 days).

Which Probiotics to Choose ?

Probiotics can be introduced as a drug (e.g. Enterogermina , Yovis . Lacteol , Lacteol Forte ), supplement or in food form (at least one billion live and active bacteria per gram of product).

Their effectiveness depends on whether or not they are able to pass the gastric tract unscathed, which represents a physiological acid barrier against bacterial contamination.

In this regard, probiotic-based drugs and supplements can be effectively taken away from meals, avoiding the lowering of gastric pH , but probiotic foods ?

In addition to microorganisms, these products contain nutrients that stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, which, in turn, could affect the survival of the active ferments . At present, foods containing probiotics have NOT been shown to have preventive or curative effects in the treatment of diarrhea.


Probiotics: are they useful for the treatment of Diarrhea?

Recent scientific studies on the use of probiotic drugs in the treatment of diarrhea demonstrate their effectiveness; there is an anticipated pathological remission of about one day compared to the average estimated duration, with a 59% reduction in the risk of becoming chronic. Furthermore, no adverse or collateral effects are attributed following the administration of probiotics in the treatment of diarrhea. The study did not take into consideration: the differences between the various bacterial strains, the joint action of different strains, the viability of the organisms, the dosage of the organisms, the causes of the diarrhea, the severity of the diarrhea and whether the studies were performed in developed or still developing countries.

Obviously, the effectiveness of probiotic therapy in treating diarrhea depends on many factors; among these, the most important are undoubtedly:

  • The medical diagnosis (differential);
  • The choice of pharmacological therapy to which probiotics can be added;
  • Hydro- saline rehydration .

The choice of a broad-spectrum antibiotic over a more specific one significantly affects the survival or otherwise of the probiotic, emphasizing or nullifying its therapeutic effect.



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