What is Skyr and why consuming it is good for your health

What is Skyr and why consuming it is good for your health
Skyr is a dairy product of Icelandic origin , the first evidence of which dates back to more than a thousand years ago and is due to the Viking population. White in color , it is very similar to traditional yogurt although its creamy texture is slightly thicker.
Commonly eaten for breakfast , thanks to its various properties it is particularly healthy.
These are its characteristics and the reasons for introducing it into one’s diet.

Characteristics and nutritional values ​​of Skyr

Skyr is made from skim milk that has the cream removed before being heated and enriched with live cultures of bacteria . Once it thickens it is filtered in order to eliminate the whey .

There are several brands of this product on the market, and some add fruit or flavoring agents to the classic formula . However, a 170 gram serving of natural Skyr provides approximately:

  • 110 calories
  • 19 proteins
  • 7 grams of carbohydrates
  • 0 grams of fat
  • 25.5% of the daily requirement of phosphorus
  • 20% of the daily calcium requirement
  • 19% of the daily requirement of riboflavin
  • 12: 17% of the daily requirement of vitamin B
  • 5% of the daily requirement of potassium .

Since it takes three to four times as much milk to make a given amount of Skyr as it does to make yogurt, it is more nutrient dense and higher in protein .

Benefits of Skyr

Thanks to its characteristics, the benefits that many studies have linked to the regular consumption of Skyr are different.

Decreases the chances of developing osteoporosis

Skyr is rich in calcium , an element that cannot be missing in a healthy and balanced diet , mainly because, together with phosphate, it makes teeth and bones stronger .

For children and adolescents, taking the right amount of calcium daily means increasing the growth and density of bone mass but it is above all as the years go by that this need becomes more urgent, given that advancing age makes bones less dense , more porous and prone to osteoporosis , especially in women.

Adding Skyr to your diet results in increased calcium intake and consequently helps protect against osteoporosis.

Improve heart health

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and while it is not the only solution, maintaining a healthy diet with a preference for certain foods improves heart health and decreases the possibility of developing adverse events.

All dairy products are generally indicated as beneficial from this point of view because they contain minerals that are friendly to the cardiovascular system such as calcium, potassium and magnesium .

Being part of the category and being particularly rich in calcium, the Skyr is no exception.

Helps keep blood sugar under control

Skyr is high in protein but low in carbohydrates and this helps keep blood sugar levels in check .

In fact, several studies have shown that eating protein slows down the absorption of carbohydrates and helps maintain lower blood sugar levels.

Contraindications to the consumption of Skyr

Although Skyr is generally beneficial, due to its composition, not everyone can eat it or benefit from it.

Although the filtering process which is an integral part of its production removes about 90% of the lactose it contains, people allergic to this element must absolutely not consume it.

Remaining a minimum quantity, however, some people who are simply lactose intolerant can tolerate its intake, even if before doing so it is always better to ask your doctor for advice, in order to avoid running into stomach pain and other unpleasant digestive effects.

How to make skyr at home

In supermarkets there are many types of Skyr so if you want to try it, there is no shortage of options. In addition to being purchased ready-made, however, this product can be prepared at home by implementing a few simple steps.

  • Place a saucepan containing quality skim milk on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  • Turn off the heat and leave the milk to rest until it has cooled down to about 40°C.
  • Add the ferments and rennet and thicken everything.
  • Wait about 4-5 hours for the thickening process to finish, then cool the product to about 18-20°C and let it rest for about 18 hours.
  • At this stage it is pasteurized and the milk foam above must be removed.

How to eat the Skyr

Just like yogurt, Skyr is quite versatile and can be consumed in different ways.

While there are flavored versions on the market, the healthiest option is to eat it plain.

Alternatively, it is also possible to mix it with a few tablespoons of milk and a little sugar .

A delicious way to enjoy Skyr is also to pour pieces of chopped fruit or a few spoonfuls of jam inside .

Finally it can be used as an extra ingredient to make cakes, buns , puddings and other desserts.



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