Breakfast with coffee and milk: why avoid?

Breakfast with coffee and milk: why avoid?


Breakfast  is one of the most important meals of the day. What we eat at the start of each day is the fuel to complete our commitments , correctly supporting the body, but also the psychophysical well-being in general. For this reason, nutrition experts recommend never skipping the first meal of the day but also choosing suitable and balanced foods .

Caffè latte (not macchiato, which has a lower quantity of milk ) is widely consumed at breakfast by both adults and children. Although it is particularly appreciated, nutritionists advise against mixing coffee and milk: the union of the two drinks, in fact, would not be particularly digestible and the natural antioxidants of coffee would be “annihilated” by casein .

Obviously, if consumed occasionally and not every morning, a cup of latte does not create particular health problems, except in cases where there are specific intolerances to the two foods .

Why not have coffee and milk for breakfast

  • Hardly digestible
  • More calories than normal macchiato coffee
  • The natural antioxidants of coffee are destroyed by casein
  • From the union albumin tannate is formed which makes the drink heavy
  • Irritating to the intestine in subjects with colitis and irritable colon
  • Not suitable for the intolerant
  • No increase in calcifying power (no scientific evidence on the power of milk to strengthen bones )

    Coffee and milk: because it is difficult to digest

    Combining milk in generous quantities with coffee leads to obtaining a drink that can be very heavy to digest due to the formation of albumin tannate.

    This substance, in fact, needs almost three hours to be digested. The result is therefore not to provide the right energy at breakfast to face the day, but an overload for the body which is weighed down. Furthermore, milk is often assimilated with some difficulty (not only by intolerants who show more severe symptoms such as abdominal pain , vomiting and diarrhea ), and can also irritate the intestine . Subjects suffering from colitis, irritable bowel syndrome , as well as intolerants, should add a vegetable drink to the coffee, such as soy milk , rice milk, almond or oats .

    Milk and coffee: more calories and without antioxidants

    Milk coffee, therefore, may be a not exactly congenial choice for the well-being of the organism. One of the reasons is this: milk contains casein, a substance that inhibits as many substances that make coffee healthy, such as antioxidants for example .

    Furthermore, by adding milk to the coffee, the caloric intake of the drink is increased (clearly the calories vary according to the quantity of milk, whether it is only a macchiato or a large glass). However, the major deterrent of the association between milk and coffee remains the digestive difficulty of the combination and the potential irritant for the intestine.

    Not only that, nutritionists advise against the consumption of latte in elderly subjects due to the related gastrointestinal disorders and digestive difficulties.

    Milk – the right amount

    What is the right amount of milk to consume at breakfast is subjective and varies according to age and lifestyle, as well as any intolerances and disorders. In general, adults should consume a cup of milk of about 200 ml at breakfast or a glass of milk of about 120 during the day. The calories consumed with 100 ml of milk are about 64, therefore adding coffee which becomes latte increases by about 130 calories.

    Vegetable alternatives to coffee

    There are several alternatives to the classic espresso, such as:

    • Chicory coffee. Chicory root ,  roasted and ground, normally used in mocha , can be used to prepare a hot drink that replaces coffee, known as chicory coffee . It is caffeine -free , even if the flavor is very reminiscent of the long espresso. Thanks to the inulin content in chicory root, this coffee not only promotes digestion , but also helps the growth of good bacteria in the intestines.
    • Dandelion coffee. Less common than chicory coffee,  dandelion coffee is prepared with the dried and roasted roots of the dandelion or dandelion . It does not contain caffeine, and is beneficial for the digestive and urinary systems .

    The quinoa-based breakfast is excellent . or low-carb smoothies.

    These are some protein breakfasts with few ingredients.


    Milk alternatives

    There are many plant-based alternatives to milk on the market. In addition to lactos-free milk suitable for consumption by lactose intolerant subjects , we find:

    • Soy -based vegetable drink . Among the best known milk substitute vegetable drinks . Rich in protein and cholesterol free
    • Rice -based vegetable drink . Very light and sweet, it contains less protein than soy but is rich in fiber , vitamins A , B, D and minerals .
    • Almond -based vegetable drink . Rich in vitamins and nutrients but also quite caloric. Not suitable for those who follow a low-calorie diet or for diabetics .
    • Coconut -based vegetable drink  . Very sweet and aromatic, it can be used as a substitute for milk, cream and butter even in the preparation of desserts, not just for breakfast.
    • Oat -based vegetable drink  . Rich in protein , low in calories and highly digestible. Ideal for breakfast and latte (vegetable, ed)
    • Vegetable drink made from  millet . Very digestible, rich in proteins and vitamins.


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