Sweet or savory breakfast? Which to choose and why

Sweet or savory breakfast? Which to choose and why

Breakfast: nutritional characteristics

It is the first meal of the day and represents the fuel capable of supplying the energy needed to face the daily routine. A complete, balanced and nutritious breakfast should be composed of complex carbohydrates  ( cereals  or  wholemeal bread ,  oatmeal ), proteins (yogurt, milk, ricotta, vegetable drinks, eggs , salmon , lean cold cuts) fats ( dried or oily fruit such as avocado or coconut ) and sugars (fresh or dehydrated fruit, honey , jam ).

What to put in the cup? It’s important not to make the mistake of accompanying your breakfast food with just one coffee. Hydration is in fact essential in the first meal of the day and it is therefore advisable to add a cup of green or black tea , a hot herbal tea  or a citrus juice (orange, grapefruit and lemon ) which also provide vitamin C in significant quantities.

Sweet or savory breakfast which is the best

First rule: do not skip breakfast , to avoid encouraging the consumption of snacks , snacks , fizzy and sugary drinks, with the intention of breaking hunger between one meal and another. By skipping breakfast, you make a fundamental mistake that affects your sense of satiety, and the consequent hunger at lunch or dinner, when you are consequently more inclined to exceed the quantity and quality of food.

Morning meals must be balanced and nutritious , but often, due to haste or bad habits, breakfasts end up being rich in simple sugars and fats. It is the classic example of typical breakfasts based exclusively on rusks and jam, croissant and cappuccino or tea with biscuits.

A  predominantly sugar -based breakfast  generates a sudden rise in blood sugar, a problematic insulin response , therefore a rapid passage of glucose from the blood to the tissues which results in transient hypoglycemia , a stimulus which, combined with rapid gastric emptying , is collected by the hypothalamic center and contributes to the generation of hunger.

Is it better to start the day with a sweet or savory breakfast? The important thing is that there are proteins. What emerges from numerous scientific studies is that a breakfast  with a  good protein component ,  not necessarily salty ,  satisfies more and for longer , improves glycemic progress and insulin secretion . The latter, if present in excess, hinders the loss of excess weight .

Whatever breakfast you choose, it is important to brush your teeth before or after having it .

Benefits of savory breakfast

  • She is very energetic
  • Avoid the classic mid-morning hunger pangs
  • It is rich in protein and fiber
  • It has greater satiating power
  • It provides a smaller amount of sugars
  • It is ideal for diabetics or those suffering from gastrointestinal disorders

Mistakes to avoid in the savory breakfast

A savory breakfast has less sugar, but it is essential not to exceed with the fats contained, for example, in eggs, cheeses or cured meats. To be balanced, the morning meal should be based on these foods , no more than twice a week.

When choosing a savory breakfast, it is also necessary not to overdo the proteins in subsequent meals so as not to overload the liver and kidneys too much .

Example of savory breakfast

A savory, balanced and nutritious breakfast can consist of:

  • Two slices of wholemeal or rye or multigrain bread
  • Cold cuts ( bresaola ,  raw ham ,  turkey ) or low-fat cheese (ricotta, low- fat spreadable cheese )
  • Coffee or green or black tea
  • A juice or fruit

Benefits of sweet breakfast

A sweet breakfast in the morning is particularly energetic, stimulates the production of serotonin , which has a calming and anti-stress effect . However , it is not recommended for those with gastrointestinal problems such as gastritis , reflux or dysentery , or those with problems related to sugar absorption or insulin resistance .

Example of sweet breakfast

A sweet breakfast must not consist only of simple sugars, therefore, but also a certain amount of fats , proteins and   complex carbohydrates . Thus, a  banana  and some  almonds  can be the  ideal breakfast for those in a hurry, while those who have a little more time can consume:

  • a couple of slices of wholemeal bread
  • semi-skimmed milk  with  wholemeal muesli
  • two teaspoons of fruit jam (choose it with at least 70% fruit)
  • a juice or fruit

And the breakfast at the bar? Brioche  and cappuccino, however comfortable and hasty they may be, are not a balanced combination. In fact, this breakfast lacks fresh foods and is low in proteins, mineral salts  and  vitamins ; moreover, the calorie and fat content is often high due to the brioche fillings.

Protein breakfast

For some categories of people (for example children, the elderly , sportsmen and those suffering from pathologies related to intestinal absorption, diabetes , etc.) it is advisable to choose a protein-type breakfast. Milk and yoghurt in the morning , both natural and Greek yoghurt , for example, represent an excellent source of protein, riboflavin  ( vit. B2 ),  calcium  and (in yoghurt)  probiotics ; moreover, as regards yogurt, being conveniently distributed in portions of 125 and 150g, it can also be easily consumed away from home.


Protein-rich foods are  different, but those most suitable for breakfast are:

  • egg
  • canned tuna
  • White meat
  • cold cuts: bresaola, lean turkey, defatted ham
  • milk and derivatives  (therefore  yoghurt , ricotta , cheese , etc.)


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