Fall Foods with the Lowest Glycemic Index

Fall Foods with the Lowest Glycemic Index


To keep blood sugar levels under control , it is useful to follow a low glycemic index diet , which allows you to stay healthy and fit. In this particular moment, characterized by the emergency from Covid-19 , in which most of the time is spent at home, paying attention to the glycemic index of foods helps not to shift the needle of the scale, put to the test by sedentary lifestyle . The foods will therefore be chosen on the basis of their ability to transform into sugars more or less quickly; ensuring a low glycemic indexin the bloodstream.

The glycemic index is nothing more than a value – between zero and one hundred – which identifies the ability of a certain food to raise blood sugar levels compared to a standard reference value, which is that of pure glucose . Make no mistake: foods with a glycemic index lower than 35 are considered low Ig (they do not generate variations in blood sugar); those with Ig between 35 and 50 should be consumed in moderation, while foods that have a glycemic index higher than 50 should be consumed extremely sparingly or avoided. 

Autumn fruit with low Ig

  • Apples
  • Pears
  • Citrus fruits : oranges , tangerines , clementines , grapefruit
  • Prunes (including dried ones)
  • Grapes (not the sultanas)
  • Berries

What do we find in this period on the fruit stand that is also a friend of blood sugar? Let’s start by saying that the riper the fruit, the more the sugar content increases and so does the glycemic index. Above the fruits that have the green light and can be consumed with peace of mind.

The autumn season is also the time when fruits such as bananas , kiwis , pineapples and chestnuts enter the shopping cart , to be consumed in moderation because they have an average glycemic index. Green light, however, to dried fruit (not to mixes sold on the market if sugared).

Apples, citrus fruits and berries are foods rich in flavanols and flavonoids , which help reduce blood pressure .

Legumes and blood sugar, a winning combination

Autumn kicks off the preparation of soups and side dishes with a rustic and authentic flavour . The protagonists of many preparations when the mercury column drops are legumes , precious for stabilizing blood sugar because almost all of them have a low glyemic index. Not only that, legumes lower bad cholesterol ( LDL ) levels and, being rich in protein , help keep weight under control while preserving muscle mass .

Let’s see which legumes have a low glycemic index:

  • Lentils : The fiber in lentils regulates the rate at which starches and carbohydrates are absorbed and helps lower LDL cholesterol levelsin the blood. In this way glycemic peaks , dangerous for cardiovascular diseases and insulin resistance , which is the antechamber of diabetes , can be avoided .
  • Chickpeas : we could define them as an ancient super food. Chickpeas, of all legumes, seem to be the most prodigious in helping to maintain a healthy body. They keep blood sugar at bay, are rich in macro nutrients , magnesium and folate above all, which significantly reduce homocysteine ​​levels , an amino acid that increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks . Finally, they improve blood circulation.
  • Peas : their sweetness should not mislead. In fact, peas are highly recommended legumes for those who want to follow a correct diet, especially for those with type 2 diabetes as they have a very low glycemic index.
  • Beans : cannellini beans , white beans from Spain, borlotti beans. Beans help keep blood sugar from rising at the end of a meal. Not only that, they are also able to reduce LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.

We only need to pay attention to broad beans which, despite being spring legumes, are often consumed in winter soups and soups : despite having many beneficial properties, in fact, they have an average glycemic index level. Therefore, they should be consumed in moderation.

A great way to balance excess carbs and sugar? Pair rice or pasta with legumes. Yes also to consume lentils, chickpeas, peas and beans as a side dish for fatty meats to counteract the action of cholesterol .

Among the fall foods that are useful for managing blood sugar spikes, there are also many fall foods that help control endometriosis and reduce associated pain .

Autumn vegetables with low Ig

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Roman cabbage
  • Brussels broccoli
  • Turnips
  • Turnip tops
  • Red cabbage
  • cabbage
  • Radish
  • Artichokes
  • Honey mushrooms , field mushrooms and porcini mushrooms 

The vegetable garden is generous during the autumn season. The harvest, then, is almost all low glycemic index. The protagonists of the table are cruciferous vegetables, a mix of extraordinary nutrients. They have a low caloric intake  and are rich in potassium , calcium and phosphorus , vitamins A , C and K. They also contain the secret to longevity because they are a concentrate of antioxidants . If you follow a low glycemic index diet, go ahead with the foods listed above. These vegetables are also among the best foods to strengthen the immune system .

The only autumn vegetable to avoid is pumpkin which has a very high glycemic index, like cooked potatoes and carrots .

Onions also have a low glycemic index. In reality, there isn’t just one onion . There are many types of onions and each Italian variety has its own characteristics .

In the future, knowing which and how many nutrients a certain food contains will be easier, thanks to the new Italian food labels and a nutritional logo called NutrInform Battery .



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