Foods to eat when you have a cold

Foods to eat when you have a cold

With a cold, appetite decreases

When you suffer from a cold or the flu , sometimes your appetite decreases and eating can become a strain.

However, some foods and drinks can help speed up the healing process , offering relief, strengthening the immune system , fighting congestion, coughing and fatigue.

When the immune system is weakened, a feverish state can appear. Here’s what the normal body temperature is for adults and children .

A form of cold can also be caused by breathing microbes on the sheets, which should therefore be changed often .

However, there are other causes for which you wake up with a stuffy nose .

Let’s see together which foods to ingest to get better faster.

A cold can also cause a dry throat . Here’s what to do to improve the situation.

To improve the immune system and ward off seasonal ailments, cider of fire is excellent .

It is also very useful to know how long a cold is contagious .

Mucus can have different colors – here’s how to tell them apart and what they mean.

Fruits and sweet substances

Dried cherries

The high antioxidant content in dried cherries strengthens the immune system and keeps the respiratory system healthy .

This fruit also improves the quality of sleep , thanks to the high natural content of melatonin and this characteristic makes it very useful.

Indeed, research shows that people who don’t get enough sleep or sleep poorly are more likely to fall ill after being exposed to a virus , such as the common cold.

Being happy can also improve your immune system .


In addition to being one of the best anti-inflammatory foods , nuts contain several nutrients that play a role in supporting the immune system, including vitamins E and B6 , copper , and folate .

Walnuts have also been shown to reduce psychological stress .


Bananas raise blood sugar and provide energy as well as key nutrients that help support the immune system, including vitamins C and B6, copper and potassium .


A quarter cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice provides 30% of your daily vitamin C goal , and the juice of a whole lemon provides about 50%.

In addition to supporting immunity, this nutrient, which also acts as an antioxidant , is required for DNA repair and the production of serotonin , which is responsible for sleep quality .

Adding freshly squeezed lemon juice to hot or cold water or hot tea can therefore be a panacea.

Pomegranate juice

Pure pomegranate juice is another food that supports the immune system through its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity.

The flavonoid antioxidants present in it have also been shown to fight viruses and reduce the duration of colds by up to 40%.

Raw honey

In addition to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, raw honey has been shown to help relieve coughs in children.

Manuka honey , a variety native to New Zealand, can specifically help boost the immune system.

Drinks and Spices


Consumption of chamomile has been linked by several scientific evidences to an increase in antibacterial activity in the body.

But its real health impact may be the ability to support sleep , which protects immunity.

In one study, postpartum women who drank chamomile tea for a few weeks reported better quality sleep than those who didn’t consume chamomile tea. The advice is therefore to sip a cup of hot chamomile tea.


Curcumin , the natural compound in turmeric responsible for its color, has strong anti-inflammatory power and is said to increase the activity of immune cells, enhancing antibody responses .

There are many ways to integrate it into your diet : you can use it instead of black pepper to flavor cooked meat or vegetables , or drink it in a smoothie, soup or broth .

Chili pepper or cayenne pepper

Hot peppers , including cayenne powder, loosen thin mucus , relieving nasal congestion .

Additionally, capsaicin , the compound that gives hot peppers their heat, may also help relieve coughs .

Cayenne pepper can be added to tea, soup or broth.


Historically, garlic has always been used to ward off diseases, fight infections and heal wounds, precisely because of its beneficial properties, especially for strengthening the immune system .


Ginger relieves nausea and, like honey, has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties .

To enhance the benefits, opt for fresh ginger root. Sliced ​​or grated it can be added to tea, broth, smoothies and juices or fresh fruit.

Vegetables and condiments

Green vegetables

Green vegetables contain anti-inflammatory antioxidants , as well as nutrients that help the immune system function, such as vitamins A and C and folate . They also contain bioactive compounds that optimize immunity in the gut .

You can consume them by sautéing them in extra virgin olive oil along with garlic, turmeric and black pepper , adding them to soup or combining them with green leafy vegetables, such as kale or spinach , or in a smoothie.

Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oil has antibacterial properties that can reduce the risk of getting sick. Additionally, its antioxidants protect against immune-mediated inflammatory conditions, including diabetes , obesity, rheumatoid arthritis , and inflammatory bowel disease .

Soup or broth

The steam from the soup or broth speeds up the movement of mucus through the nose to relieve congestion and reduce inflammation.

Also, the salt in soup or broth makes your body retain more water, and relieving dehydration can help reduce symptoms like headaches and dry mouth .

If you don’t want to use meat , you can opt for vegetable broth , enriching it with garlic, ginger, turmeric and black pepper.

Foods to avoid

When you have a cold it is better to stay away from foods that can fuel inflammation or stress the immune system. These include refined sugar , processed foods with artificial ingredients, dairy products , meat, caffeine (in this article the benefits and harms of caffeine intake ), and alcohol .



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