How much protein to eat each day to lose weight

How much protein to eat each day to lose weight

When you decide to lose weight, it is essential to contact a professional who follows the process step by step, helping in daily management and in the choice and quantity of elements to be taken.

Among these, proteins cannot be missing because they are a very important macro nutrient , which performs various functions, some specific precisely for weight loss . According to a study published in November 2014 in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism, a high-protein diet can help you lose weight by keeping you fuller for longer. Additionally, high-protein diets also increase the amount of hormones your body secretes, which also makes you feel fuller . Finally, a high protein diet can also increase the amount of calories your body burns .

The effects of protein on weight loss

A June 2017 study published in Obesity Facts and conducted on two groups of people engaged in weight loss found that those who ate a high-protein diet lost significantly more weight than those who only focused on reducing the weight. caloric intake. This suggests that if you’re trying to lose weight, just cutting calories isn’t as effective as doing it and increasing your daily protein intake at the same time .

In addition to protein making you feel fuller, as confirmed by an August 2018 study published in Frontiers in Endocrinology, these macro nutrients also promote the body’s energy expenditure or calorie burn , and help change body composition to in favor of lower body fat mass .

How much protein to eat per day for weight loss

In general, according to the parameters of the World Health Organization, an adult (and therefore over the age of 18) could take less than 1 g of protein for each kilo of body weight without running into a deficiency , both as regards both men and women.

However, if the goal is to lose weight , the quantities may vary.

Usually, in fact, in this case the protein intake must be increased but to say precisely how much is impossible because the factors involved are different , such as the number of kilos you want to lose, your age, the starting condition and the possible presence of pathologies or conditions incompatible with a diet that contains too much protein.

The presence or absence of physical activity , the intensity and frequency with which it is carried out, also have an impact . For this reason, to establish how much protein to take daily it is important not to rely on DIY but always contact a nutritionist.

Also because exaggerating could be counterproductive and cause damage to health. According to a study published in July 2013 in the International Scholarly Research Notice Nutrition Journal , people who eat too much protein may in fact be at greater risk for bone disorders , kidney and liver problems , some cancers , heart disease , and the adverse effects of different nature.

Feeling dehydrated , not very energetic and noticing, contrary to what one might think during a slimming journey , gaining weight are signs that you are overdoing the proteins and that you should immediately change your food style, turning towards a more varied and balanced one such as Mediterranean diet , rich in vegetables and whole grains .

Link between protein intake and muscle gain

Increasing lean muscle mass can help a person lose weight because muscle burns slightly more calories than fat . A study published in May 2017 in Advances in Nutrition: An International Review Journal found that higher protein intake helps preserve lean muscle mass during weight loss.

However, increasing your protein intake is not enough to increase muscle strength or function . If your goal while losing weight is to feel stronger and build muscle , you should complement your diet with resistance- based training , such as weight lifting .

Which proteins are best for weight loss

Choosing carefully which proteins to include in your dietary routine can help you successfully lose weight while staying healthy. Although the common idea is that to increase protein intake it is necessary to eat more meat , we must not forget that there are many high quality vegetable sources.

As for meat, healthier high-protein choices are chicken and turkey breasts , lean cuts of beef and pork , or fish .

Other healthy foods rich in protein and highly beneficial are eggs , legumes and some dairy products such as yogurt .

Walnuts and quinoa can also offer an important protein intake and are particularly suitable for enriching salads or being eaten as breakfast ingredients .

Finally, you may want to consider adding protein powders to your diet for weight loss and muscle building. There are different types on the market but before choosing them it is good to consult with your doctor.



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