Breakfast: When is the best time to have it

Breakfast: When is the best time to have it

Don’t skip breakfast

The concept is known and implemented: not having breakfast in the morning leads to eating much more during the day, with the risk of exceeding in subsequent meals. A healthy and balanced breakfast not only provides the energy to better face the day, but wakes up the metabolism , regulates blood sugar levels , aids in weight management, also supports heart health  and improves cognitive functions.

A nutritious breakfast  allows you to start the day with vitality without arriving tired and hungry at lunch break. Scientific research has shown that by not consuming this meal, you miss an important health appointment. This leads to a greater difficulty in concentrating during the morning, it also negatively affects the performance in the afternoon due to the excessive insulin shock and the important digestive effort .

Furthermore, drinking a glass of water a day before breakfast has a detox function and helps to reach the right amount of water per day .

Whatever breakfast you choose, it is important to brush your teeth before or after having it .

Nutritious and balanced breakfast

A breakfast must ensure that what you are consuming upon waking is satiating and healthy. According to nutritionists, the first main daily meal should make up at least 15% of daily calories  (some even recommend 20%).

A nutritious breakfast varies according to several factors such as weight, gender and food preferences. Overall, your food choices should focus on foods that add essential nutrients, such as protein , fiber , vitamins , and, of course, some healthy fats. Therefore, prefer low glycemic index carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread , together with lean proteins such as skim milk . Instead, avoid cereals rich in sugar, croissants with a high fat content, high-calorie biscuits or barssubstituted. Sugary fruit juices , smoothies and industrial  yoghurts are also not a healthy option.

Natural yogurt and Greek yogurt , on the other hand, have several positive properties.


To build muscle it is better to eat protein for breakfast .

When to have breakfast

When it comes to a healthy diet, having your meals is as important as what you eat. The best time to have breakfast is within two hours of getting up, which is the time needed for the metabolism to reactivate. There are exceptions, which vary according to the activity carried out by the individual subject, which can cause the time to be dedicated to breakfast to vary. For example, if you exercise in the morning, eat a light meal like a banana or avocado toast 20-30 minutes before your workout.

Breakfast: what to eat if you are short on time

Better to have a simple breakfast than skip the meal altogether. The best way to eat healthily in the morning even when you don’t have much time is to choose practical alternatives such as whole grain cereal with low-fat milk , oatmeal and nuts , hard-boiled eggs or chopped apple with a sprinkle of cinnamon . Furthermore, it is a good habit to always have the so-called healthy take-away foods such as fresh fruit, ricotta , yogurt and homemade muesli in the pantry.

Due to needs, one is often led to have breakfast at the bar, reducing it to cappuccino and brioche . A predominantly sugar -based breakfast   generates a sudden rise in blood sugar, a problematic  insulin response , therefore a rapid passage of  glucose  from the  blood  to the tissues which results in  transient hypoglycemia  , a stimulus which, combined with rapid  gastric emptying , is collected by the hypothalamic center and contributes to the generation of hunger .

Arrange breakfast the night before

Plan your meal in advance: Prepare your meal the night before to save time in the morning. For example, soak overnight oats for quick morning porridge ; prepare and refrigerate the yogurt parfait or your favorite smoothie before bed. Always save a small amount of chopped fruits and vegetables for making an instant fruit salad. As well as preparing plumcakes or wholemeal muffins ( gluten-free , lactose -free , reduced in fat), and consume them in the following three days.

Three main meals: the ideal times for the metabolism

What are the best times to observe for the three main meals, so that our metabolism works at its best?

The right time to eat breakfast is between 7 and 8 in the morning, because the metabolism is reactivated and what is introduced is burned quickly. Preferably low glycemic index carbohydrates such as wholemeal bread , accompanied by lean proteins such as skimmed milk, and vitamins from fruit or juice.

The ideal time for lunch would be between 12 and 13. This is explained in the digestive phase : in the following three hours the hormones activate the metabolism and prevent the accumulation of fat . For lunch, prefer carbohydrates such as pasta , potatoes or rice , accompanied by vegetables or legumes .

Not having dinner too late is a rule to be observed also to guarantee a restful sleep . The ideal time is between 19 and 20. Prefer proteins, limiting carbohydrates to 50 grams of wholemeal or rye bread , and a portion of vegetables, even in the form of soup, minestrone or velvety.

Between 10 and 11 in the morning, and between 16 and 17 in the afternoon, a small snack should be eaten .



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