Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt: Which is Better?

Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt: Which is Better?


When comparing ice cream and frozen yogurt , one is led to consider the second alternative to be healthier. This is often due to marketing. Frozen yogurt and ice cream , including their nutrition and ingredients, are similar in some respects, however, while frozen yogurt is moderately probiotic and low in fat, it may in some cases be high in sugar and calories . The two foods share two main ingredients: dairy products and sugar. Both also contain flavoring or other swirling ingredients. Unlike ice cream, frozen yogurt incorporates pasteurized milk or yogurt. The fat content of the milk largely determines the overall amount of fat in the final product. Cream , on the other hand, is typically used as a base for ice cream. Air is incorporated into the ice cream during the churning process, and egg yolks may also be added .


Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt

Two different manufacturing processes distinguish ice cream from frozen ice cream. To make the ice cream, the cream is mixed with sugar, flavorings and sometimes egg yolks until the mixture is frozen. The amount of air incorporated is also measured, as it helps impart a fluffy texture. To make frozen yogurt, milk and sugar are heated together, then active bacterial cultures are added before it cools and ferments. As the mixture freezes, air is incorporated to create a smoother texture. It is worth noting that the beneficial bacterial cultures of frozen yogurt can be killed during production in the pasteurization or freezing stage .

Yogurt is also a great egg substitute .

An alternative to yogurt can be Skyr .

Fat content

Ice cream should contain at least 10% milk fat to be considered ice cream. However, some ice creams can contain up to 25% milk fat. Cream is used as a base, which represents the main lipid source of ice cream. The fat in frozen yogurt comes from fermented milk. Full fat frozen yogurt typically contains 3-6% milk fat, while low-fat frozen yogurt contains 2-4%

Did you know that probiotics…

To culture the milk for making frozen yogurt, pasteurized milk is fermented with a gut -friendly bacteria , typically Lactobacillus bulgaricus  or  Streptococcus thermophilus. Unlike the term “ice cream”, the term “frozen yoghurt” does not have a specification, so there is no requirement as to how much yoghurt should be in the final product. Unlike frozen yogurt, ice cream is not made from fermented milk products.

Comparison of nutritional values

When it comes to nutrition, ice cream and frozen yogurt vary the most in their fat and sugar content. Both foods are good sources of calcium , which is important for bone , muscle and heart health . Frozen yogurt contains 7% of the Daily Value (DV), and ice cream contains 8% of the DV in one serving. It’s also worth noting that both ice cream and frozen yogurt contain modest calories and sugar. A diet high in added sugars can harm your health, increasing your risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes , heart disease , and fatty liver disease. It is therefore recommended not to exceed the portions and frequency of consumption of these foods, especially if they are industrially produced.

Vanilla ice cream Frozen yogurt
Weight 67 grams 87 grams
Calories 140 111
Carbohydrates 16 grams 19 grams
Fat 7 grams 3 grams
Protein 3 grams 3 grams
Cholesterol 10% of Daily Value (DV) 7.5% DV
Soccer 8% of the DV 7% HD
Potassium 3% HD 3% HD
Phosphorus 6% HD 6% HD

Benefits of ice cream and frozen yogurt

The ice cream and frozen yogurt are both fresh and mouthwatering. The recommendation of nutritionists is always to consume them with modernity. Both will be beneficial as they are rich in calcium and protein , however the added sugar content should be drastically limited. Among the healthy properties of frozen yogurt is intestinal health: the use of active bacterial cultures to ferment the milk used in the production of frozen yogurt contributes to intestinal bacterial flora . Probiotic yogurt also helps lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol. It should be emphasized, however, that frozen yogurt may not have the same probiotic benefits of unfrozen yogurt, as not all frozen yogurt live cultures can survive the freezing process. Therefore, it’s important to read the label to find out if the frozen yogurt you’re considering contains live cultures . If you’re seeking out frozen yogurt solely for its probiotic benefits, it might be best to eat plain yogurt

Another potential benefit of frozen yogurt is its lower lactose content than ice cream . The fermentation process of frozen yogurt can reduce the amount of lactose in the final product. For this reason, people with lactose intolerance may digest frozen yogurt better than ice cream.

Not all yogurts are the same, here’s how to choose it .

Which of the two is healthier?

Whether ice cream or frozen yogurt is healthier depends largely on how each one is made and the ingredients they contain. Portion sizes and toppings will also affect overall nutritional content. Typically, ice cream has more fat , while frozen yogurt can have more added sugar. Some, but not all, frozen yogurt contains probiotics, which are beneficial to your gut. To reap these benefits, look for frozen yogurts that label their products as containing live, active cultures.

People with diabetes or insulin resistance should prefer the lower sugar alternative. The choice could fall on ice cream instead of frozen yogurt, but, even if you consume small portions and in moderation, it will be preferable to opt for a variety with reduced sugar content or without added sugar. In case of high cholesterol and low fat diet, frozen yogurt will be a better choice.

Yogurt is also one of the most suitable foods to counteract abdominal swelling .



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