Mushroom coffee: properties and benefits of mushroom coffee

Mushroom coffee: properties and benefits of mushroom coffee

One of the most original variations of coffee is the one based on mushrooms , which would represent a healthy alternative to the classic version.

Having recently come to the fore, mushroom coffee or Mushroom coffee is actually not an absolute novelty, given that mushrooms would have been used as a coffee substitute in Finland already during the Second World War, when coffee beans were not available, and they are present in many preparations of Chinese medicine, precisely because of their beneficial properties.

What is mushroom coffee

Mushroom coffee is a dark drink that is obtained from the union of ground mushrooms and coffee beans , mixed together in equal parts.

The mushrooms used are not those usually found in culinary recipes but are medicinal mushrooms , considered super food .

The most used is Reishi , or Ganoderma Lucidum , which in addition to possessing precious properties for physical well-being , would also counteract the negative side effects of caffeine . However, there are Mushroom coffees made with blends of other mushrooms such as Shiitake, Chaga, Lion’s Mane and Turkey Tail.

In terms of taste , mushroom coffee does not differ much from the classic one but is slightly more delicate.

How it is made and how it is consumed

Mushroom coffee can be found in the form of an instant blend, ground preparation or pods , at retailers specializing in the sale of organic or healthy food , or online.

To prepare it, the mushrooms are dehydrated , ground into a fine powder and prepared to be consumed, just like traditional coffee, with a moka pot , espresso machine, drip coffee machine , infusion method , or other.

The cost of mushroom coffee is about double that of the normal one and this derives from the fact that medicinal mushrooms are not present in large quantities in nature, therefore their cultivation , processing and marketing is rather difficult.

Caffeine content

Mushroom coffee blends contain less caffeine than normal coffee and the reason is very simple: medicinal mushrooms lack this substance and since mushroom coffee is 50% made up of them, it goes without saying that the content is halved.

This is obviously good news because, although the World Health Organization has declared that it is possible to safely take up to 400 mg of caffeine a day (4-5 cups) , reducing the amount circulating through the body is still positive.

Exceeding it can lead to anxiety , rapid heart rate , stomach upset , and other side effects. Preferring mushroom coffee to regular coffee, on the other hand, significantly decreases these effects . Furthermore, it is a drink that can be consumed more frequently even in the evening and before going to sleep , since its minimal amount of caffeine should not affect the ability to fall asleep and the quality of sleep .

Potential health benefits

Medicinal mushrooms are considered to belong to the superfood family and it is no coincidence that in many Eastern cultures they have been used for centuries to soothe various physical problems and more.

Their properties, in fact, are different, and derive mainly from the fact that they are rich in minerals such as phosphorus , potassium , selenium and magnesium and that they contain B vitamins .

First of all, this strengthens the immune and cardiovascular systems and helps the body defend itself during the change of seasons .

Furthermore, coffee with mushrooms would be an important source of antioxidants , even higher than that of cocoa . An average cup would contain even more than black tea and green tea .

The mix of coffee and mushrooms would also help fight free radicals and consequently reduce oxidative stress that can cause cellular damage.

This drink would seem to have many other beneficial properties, such as improving the functioning of the digestive system or the anti-stress action given by the compounds extracted from medicinal mushrooms called adaptogens , which can improve the body’s response to anxious situations.

However, it should be remembered that although the premises and evidence of the positivity of a constant consumption of medicinal mushrooms exist, to date most of the studies on medicinal mushrooms are based on animals or conducted in the laboratory, with few clinical insights on humans.

Also, while it’s definitely possible to say that medicinal mushrooms and coffee have some established benefits on their own, these studies are not specific to mushroom coffee, and they don’t clarify whether there are any combined positive or negative health effects of mixing mushrooms and coffee. coffee beans.

Specifically, according to some studies, Chaga mushrooms could help fight ulcers and allergies , the latter by suppressing the activity of immune cells responsible for an allergic response to certain foods .

Reishi mushrooms , on the other hand, would reduce blood cholesterol levels and, consequently, decrease the risk of heart disease .

Discover the properties of cooked or raw mushrooms, and which ones are the most nutritious.

As for the classic coffee, however, it has storage times , be careful not to exceed them.



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