Oatmeal: benefits and how to use it in the kitchen but not only

Oatmeal: benefits and how to use it in the kitchen but not only

Oatmeal is an extremely versatile and healthy ingredient, capable of generating benefits both when ingested through the diet and when used in body care.

Properties and benefits of oatmeal

The flour obtained from this cereal can be obtained from semolina or flakes and, depending on the type of refinement, has a color that varies from beige to creamy white.

If used as a basis for some recipes, it helps maintain a healthy diet and keep weight under control. The main merit is of the large amount of fiber it contains, and in particular of a specific type of soluble fiber, beta-glucan, which generates a longer-term sense of satiety and helps control blood sugar levels. The American Journal of Nutrition also confirmed the validity of oatmeal in case you want to lose weight, according to which increasing its intake would lead to a decrease in abdominal fat.

Additionally, regularly implementing beta-glucan fiber in your diet increases bile acid, helps lower cholesterol, keeps your gut microbiome healthy, and would reduce your risk of heart disease.

Oatmeal is also a great source of protein and mainly lysine, an essential amino acid that helps fix calcium in bones and strengthen antibodies.

There are also vitamins, and in particular B1, PP and E and some mineral salts such as potassium, iron and zinc.

These characteristics make it a panacea for everyone and especially for sportsmen, the elderly or in general those who need to stock up on energy in view of expensive commitments or intense efforts.

How to use oatmeal in cooking

The meal that lends itself most to the consumption of oatmeal is breakfast, since it can be used to make desserts such as pancakes, plumcakes, crêpes, porridge, cakes or biscuits.

However, it is also excellent for lunch and dinner as a base for soups or as a substitute for traditional flour as an ingredient in homemade bread or pasta.

Alternative uses of oatmeal

In addition to being eaten, oatmeal can be used to take care of the skin and hair, as it has emollient , soothing and invigorating properties. These are the most useful ways to exploit it outside the kitchen.

Soothing bath

Thanks to the emollient properties of oats, taking a relaxing bath by adding a little flour to the water can be the ideal solution for those seeking skin relief following sunburn, hives, psoriasis or a general itching sensation.

To do this, you can simply pour a little flour into the tub or fill a small organza bag and immerse it in water, so that the mixture is released little by little.

If you don’t have a tub, you can get the same benefits in the shower, rubbing the bag with the flour on your body while you wash.

Body scrubs

Oatmeal is also excellent for making a gentle exfoliation of the body’s skin. To make a compound suitable for use as a scrub, mix together three tablespoons of oatmeal, a little flakes, a tablespoon of salt and enough olive oil to mix everything together.

Then pass the mixture over the skin by applying light pressure and thus taking advantage of the exfoliating power of salt and oats and the nourishing power of the oil. Then rinse with warm water.

Acne remedy

Among the properties of oatmeal, also that of being excellent for fighting acne.

Create a homogeneous mixture by mixing a teaspoon of oatmeal and one of warm water and spread it on the pimple or on the area to be treated. Then apply a protective gauze and leave it on all night.

Face mask

Oatmeal is also great for breathing new life into dry, dehydrated, dull skin. It is in fact the perfect ingredient to create a revitalizing face mask when combined in equal parts with rose water. Once the two ingredients are mixed, apply the mixture on the face with circular movements, leave it to act for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Bars of soap

Oatmeal is also a valuable ingredient to add to the remnants of old soap bars to create new ones. Simply melt the soap in a small saucepan over low heat, add a few tablespoons of oatmeal, mix and pour into a ramekin. After letting the liquid sit for a few days, the soap bars should solidify and be ready to use.

Natural shampoo

Not only the skin, but also the hair can benefit from oatmeal when used to create an all-natural shampoo.

It is sufficient to dilute two tablespoons in warm water if you have short hair and three if you have long hair. Once you have obtained a not too thick cream, use it as if it were a traditional shampoo, massaging it above all on the scalp and rinsing thoroughly after washing.

Additionally, plain oatmeal can also be used as a dry shampoo.



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