Pasta for breakfast: because it’s good for you

Pasta for breakfast: because it's good for you

The Ideal Breakfast

Especially in Italy but not only, the ideal breakfast is considered for most people the one based on coffee, cappuccino , milk , or tea and sweet foods such as biscuits, brioches , cakes or fruit.

However, one of the latest trends to make its way into the world of food and wellness is the one that suggests eating a plate of pasta during the first meal of the day .

It doesn’t matter what the sauce is, carbonara would be fine , as would pasta with pesto or tomato sauce , what matters is that it’s pasta.

What is this new trend and where does it come from?

Although it is now making its way into many parts of the world, the idea of ​​eating a plate of pasta for breakfast originates in some very specific countries: England, the United States, Germany and Australia , where many nutritionists recommend it as a choice primary to start the day.

The reason is that eating this way in the morning would bring many benefits . Even if familiarity with the preparation of pasta is not always high beyond the Italian borders, it is in fact a dish universally elected among the healthiest and among those that can generate greater positive effects on the body, provided obviously that the condiments are healthy and well balanced in terms of nutrients.

Its worldwide success also depends on the fact that the versions in which it is possible to prepare it are practically infinite and therefore adapt to the most diverse occasions, from a simple home dinner, to a lunch with friends, up to a more sophisticated gourmet experience.

In short, it is not surprising that pasta is one of the most popular foods in the world . The novelty of the moment lies instead in the moment of the day in which it is considered a good idea to eat it. Until now, in fact, no one had ever thought about breakfast but something seems to be changing.

Benefits of pasta for breakfast

However, Anglo-Saxon nutrition professionals and others are arguing in a rather compact way that spaghetti , penne, tagliatelle, macaroni and the like can be valid and delicious substitutes for the classic brioche-based breakfasts, but also yoghurt , corn flakes and greedy cereals .

The reason for this statement is very simple: the ideal way to start the day would be to introduce complex carbohydrates , healthy fats and proteins into your body , foods that ensure the necessary energy in the early morning and keep you full and satisfied until lunchtime.

To fill up on these elements, the pasta dish is perfect because it is much easier to digest than the typical recipes of the countries where this trend is spreading.

In England and the United States above all, in fact, breakfasts are not only sweet but very often savory and based on eggs , cheese , bacon and sometimes potatoes , definitely much heavier than a plate of lightly seasoned pasta.
Additionally, eating pasta for breakfast would also help keep your weight in check .

The quinoa breakfast is also excellent .

What would be the best toppings

Although the proposal may seem at least bizarre, it is undeniable that many of the ingredients at the base of the production of pasta and many basic condiments are the same, or in any case very similar, to those needed to prepare other typical breakfast foods. Cakes and biscuits, for example, contain flour , eggs and olive oil . However, at least in Italy, until now pasta has always been associated exclusively with the other main meals of the day, i.e. lunch and dinner.

However, the time for a change seems to have arrived, at least judging by the ever-growing number of specialists in the sector who argue that eating a plate of pasta for breakfast is an extremely healthy way to start the day. There are those who go off balance and dare to say which is the best recipe: pasta alla carbonara , at least according to many German nutritionists who, judging it complete with essential elements, define it as much healthier than the classic slice of bread with spreadable paste, rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates that can send blood sugar levels soaring . Also in Germany, the Federal Nutrition Center also invites you to prepare oneWholemeal pasta made from chickpea or lentil flour, so as to ensure the right amount of fiber to the body from early morning. In this case, the classic homemade tomato sauce is perfect as a condiment, but also pesto alla genovese or a fried , scrambled or poached egg .

Many prestigious US clinics, on the other hand, claim that dressing pasta with a good dose of fresh peas ensures the right amount of protein to start the day, even better if you add a sprinkling of grated cheese or a few tablespoons of Greek yogurt to the legumes .

In Australia, the most popular advice is to choose spaghetti topped with smoked bacon , cherry tomatoes, poached eggs, peas, parsley and chives for breakfast .



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