Spices that promote digestion

Spices that promote digestion


Herbs and spices not only enrich food with flavor and are a valid substitute for salt , but are also consumed for their beneficial properties . A rich source of natural remedies to use to soothe an upset stomach or promote healthy digestion. Many spices stimulate the activity of enzymes such as amylase ,  pancreatic lipase and  protease . These enzymes support a more efficient digestive system . For these reasons it is recommended to use them in the preparation of tasty and balanced dishes, as an ingredient that is not only aromatic, but also beneficial. 


This ancient root has been used for centuries in India and China as a traditional antidote for gastrointestinal ailments. Ginger is considered antiemetic , and in this sense it represents a natural remedy that helps counteract nausea and vomiting . Some research suggests that ginger is particularly effective as a safe and effective treatment for nausea during pregnancy and chemotherapy .

Ginger also increases gastric motility and may increase the rate of emptying of the stomach , which explains why it may help relieve other symptoms such as indigestion and painful bloating . Furthermore, this root is recognized as having a rebalancing action on the intestinal flora.


Known for its anti-inflammatory properties , turmeric has the potential to help with  digestive problems . It may prove useful as a complementary treatment for intestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and irritable bowel syndrome . Some studies highlight that curcumin , the main component of turmeric, could help improve gut microbiome dysbiosis , which is an imbalance of bacteriaintestinal, and to promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestine, reducing pathogenic strains.


This smoky flavored spice from the Orient has long been used to help improve the symptoms of gastritis . Using cumin essential oil can significantly reduce abdominal pain and bloating and improve stool consistency and frequency of defecation .

Fennel seeds

Chewing on fennel seeds has long been used as an after-dinner digestive aid. Fennel seeds may help regulate smooth muscle motility in the intestines and reduce gas . Thanks to phytoestrogens, they are an excellent  digestive  and  soothing for menstrual pain  and infusions  and herbal teas can help against  meteorism . Additionally, the antioxidant flavonoids and phenolic compounds found in fennel appear to show anti-inflammatory benefits.


Mint can help in digestive processes . Mint leaves have  an astringent and purifying effect , aiding digestion and  relaxation of the intestinal wall, decreasing visceral sensitivity, which can help with pain , and acting as an antimicrobial/ antifungal .


Cilantro is a staple ingredient in a wide range of regional dishes, from Indian to Latin American cuisine. This popular spice not only provides an unmistakable flavor, but also helps with digestive disorders .

Both the leaves  and the  dried grains of coriander are consumed . This spice is recognized as having benefits against intestinal swelling and colic .


Sage is an aromatic herb that has been cultivated since the Middle Ages, a period in which it was used as a healing plant thanks to its  tonic , antiseptic, diuretic properties and  against infections  of the mouth, throat and respiratory tract and as an aid against intestinal disorders.


Thyme was already used in Ancient Egypt for the healing properties of its mixed essential oils. This aromatic herb has strong antiseptic ,  fluidifying  and  balsamic properties and also helps in the treatment of the upper airways.

Black pepper

Black pepper , with its typical very intense flavor, owes its beneficial properties to piperine which gives this spice its classic spicy and pungent flavor and which is able to increase salivation . This stimulates digestion and improves the absorption of nutrients .


Cinnamon is a spice with significant benefits for the body. It has  antibacterial and antifungal properties, is rich in antioxidants , useful for counteracting the action of  free radicals , stimulates and protects the  immune system and helps burn fat and  speed up the metabolism . Obviously cinnamon facilitates digestion and reduces abdominal swelling .  

Artichoke extract

The artichoke extract  contains cynarin which favors the emptying of the gallbladder which contains the bile and which is essential for the digestion of fats which, when not correctly absorbed, give a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

There are also herbs and spices that help with weight loss .

Be careful though, spices don’t last forever .



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