Swollen legs: foods that help drain

Swollen legs: foods that help drain

One of the most recurring side effects of the first heat is swelling in the legs , due to non-optimal circulation and water retention , conditions that both become more acute as temperatures rise.

When the legs swell they often generate a feeling of tiredness , fatigue and sometimes pain . To help them deflate or prevent this phenomenon, nutrition can be a precious ally , given that there are foods capable of draining , if taken as part of a balanced diet and combined with targeted fitness activities. Here are which ones.

Top 5 Swollen Legs Remedies Available on Amazon

Among the many natural remedies designed to help treat leg swelling problems, some are particularly successful among Amazon users. Here are the most popular:

Vegavero leg circulation supplement

Among the bestsellers in the segment of adjuvants for the treatment of swelling in the legs, this Vegavero supplement stands out , designed to promote microcirculation and activate circulation. Gotu kola helps to counteract cellulite and water retention in the legs, horsetail has a draining action, red vine is useful in case of varicose veins and broken capillaries and prevents edema and swelling, cranberry and butcher’s broom help venous circulation. It is an excellent alternative to diosmin or horse chestnut in case of swollen, heavy and tired legs. This product is free from artificial additives (no Magnesium Stearate), GMOs or fertilizers. It is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. In one pack: 120 capsules. Recommended dosage: 2 capsules per day.

Antistax Fresh Gel

Antistax Fresh Gel is a product of natural origin based on red vine leaf extract, mint essential oil and menthol which helps counteract the feeling of swelling, heaviness and tiredness in the legs, giving a feeling of freshness and well-being. The presence of a large quantity of flavonoids, contained in the standardized extract AS 195 of red vine leaves, favors the strengthening of vein walls and microcirculation. Menthol and mint essential oil give freshness, lightness and prolonged well-being. The extracts of plant origin facilitate the supply of oxygen and nutrients, relieving the feeling of tired, heavy and sore legs. Apply the gel with a gentle massage, starting at the ankles and working your way up the leg.

L’Angelica herbal tea

In the segment of specific herbal teas , the most popular preparation is that of L’Angelica . Those who do sedentary jobs may feel an unpleasant sense of swelling and heaviness in the legs: the researchers of the Italian company have identified a mix of plants with known draining properties. Orthosiphon, fennel, horsetail and birch favor the physiological processes of elimination of excess liquids from the tissues; the formulation is enriched by star anise, licorice root and lavender flowers which combine the beneficial effect of the drink with the pleasure of enjoying an infusion with a delicate aromatic note and natural sweetness.

Vitarmonyl supplement

The one proposed by Vitarmonyl is a product that promotes the functionality of the microcirculation and reduces the feeling of heavy legs. The red vine leaves, rich in polyphenols, can be useful for promoting the functionality of the microcirculation, helping to reduce the feeling of heavy legs. Blackcurrant completes the formulation of the product by promoting the drainage of liquids. Laboratoires Vitarmonyl have combined red vine and blackcurrant in a single product, in order to offer a highly concentrated formulation. How to use: it is recommended to take 2 capsules a day, 1 capsule in the morning and 1 in the evening, with a glass of water.

Erbaven gel

Erbaven, on the other hand, offers an anti-fatigue cream gel remedy for swollen and tired legs. The supplement is rich in natural ingredients: troxerutin (flavonoid contained in many plant varieties, extracted from sophora japonica flowers), escin, centella, blueberry, rutin, pineapple, aloe and others, traditionally known for their anti-fatigue and soothing properties . Used regularly, preferably in synergy witherbaven retard tablets, it promotes microcirculation and ensures fresh and long-lasting relief from the sensation of heaviness and tiredness in the legs.

Herbs and spices instead of salt

Salt is one of the number one responsible for water retention and swelling in the legs and for this reason it should be reduced as much as possible and replaced , for example, with herbs and spices, many of which are known for their draining properties such as rosemary , marjoram , savory, turmeric and ginger . The latter two also improve the circulatory system because they tone the blood vessels by promoting the correct flow of blood .

Garlic and onion are also valuable because they help thin the blood, preventing the formation of clots.


Another lever that can trigger leg swelling is poor hydration . This is why, even if it is not a food, this list cannot miss water , which in addition to purifying the body by eliminating waste , helps to counteract water retention by draining excess liquids and keeps the body healthy. functioning of the intestine and microcirculation .

Foods with Potassium

Potassium also helps deflate the legs , which should therefore be included in an important way in one’s diet because it acts as a natural diuretic, and helps to eliminate excess sodium in the tissues through urine . This mineral is present in many types of fruit and vegetables such as:

  • bananas
  • potatoes
  • apricots
  • cabbage
  • strawberries
  • spinach
  • peaches
  • peppers
  • tomatoes
  • dates

In general, however, it is always good to consume vegetables with each meal because they help to absorb less fat and accelerate the elimination of waste.

Potassium supplements

When the diet is not varied enough or not very rich in fruit and vegetables, in the warm months, in the presence of severe physical stress , etc., potassium supplementation can be achieved by taking potassium-based supplements .

You can also buy potassium-based supplements online. Here is an example that you can find on Amazon:


Potassium 1000+

POTASSIUM 1000+ is a supplement that helps regulate kidney, heart, muscle and skeletal function. Helps prevent the onset of cramps, helps absorb and utilize calcium, aids in cardiovascular function and blood pressure. It also helps prevent fluid retention.

Fish, lean meats and legumes

If you aim for swelling-free legs, a good idea is also to decrease the consumption of red meat and turn to other  protein sources . The most suitable are legumes , eggs , fish and white meats , to be taken in a balanced way.

In particular, oily fish is rich in omega 3 which help regulate the level of cholesterol in the blood , improve the fluidity of cell membranes and blood circulation.

Draining herbal teas and decoctions

Like green tea, decoctions and draining herbal teas can also help in deflating the legs. The most suitable ingredients, and therefore those to be preferred in the preparation, are birch , weed , hawkweed and cherry stalks .

For a significant effect, just like with green tea, the recommended dose is always three unsweetened cups a day, even better if drunk between meals.

If you choose gramigna, bear in mind that the flavor is not considered pleasant for everyone. To remedy the problem, however, mint or blueberries and pomegranate can be added to the decoction or infusion , the latter also able to help circulation because they are rich in bioflavonoids, precious for the elasticity of the vessels and arterial walls .

Green tea and Karkadè

If you suffer from swollen legs and aim to eliminate this discomfort, you cannot underestimate what enters the body in the form of liquid.

To avoid making the situation worse, it is important to stay away as much as possible from coffee, alcohol and carbonated and sugary drinks , but prefer healthier solutions to them, in addition to water.

Specifically, the panacea par excellence for the well-being of the legs is green tea because inside it abounds in polyphenols , bioflavonoids and catechins which help to counteract water retention, promoting diuresis and the disposal of excess liquids.

Furthermore, in this quality of tea there is a substance called chlorogenic acid , which can help burn fat , decreasing the sense of swelling in the legs.

To benefit from its characteristics, the ideal would be to drink about three cups a day, hot in winter and cold in summer, obviously without sugar . If you want to add a pinch of extra flavor you can add a few mint leaves .

Also excellent when eaten fresh and therefore very suitable for the summer is karkadè , an ally of deflated legs because it is caffeine -free but rich in diuretic , refreshing , antioxidant and deflating properties.

Pineapple and watermelon

Eating pineapple regularly is also an excellent way to keep swollen legs at bay because its active ingredient , bromelain , has various positive actions on the circulatory system and stimulates diuresis .

Not even watermelon should be missing from a diet aimed at deflating the legs because being made up of 90% water it promotes diuresis, counteracts water retention and reduces the sense of swelling and heaviness .

Here are other tips to have healthy and light legs .

For healthy legs do not cross your legs while sitting .

Draining supplements for the legs

A supportive action for an appropriate diet and the right amount of movement is represented by the assumption of supplements that have a draining effect . These are mainly natural supplements with dry extracts of some herbs and plants that have draining properties and help reduce the feeling of swelling and heaviness in the legs .

There are many on the market, below we show you some products that can be purchased on Amazon.

Venactum, Leg circulation

This food supplement is based on diosmin, centella, ginko biloba, hesperidin, cranberry, horse chestnut and red vine. Cranberry and ginko biloba help the functionality of the microcirculation, while centella and red vine contrast the heaviness of the legs, helping to fight cellulite and water retention. This supplement is a panacea for the well-being of the veins, it helps to reduce the feeling of heavy legs and to regain a feeling of well-being and vitality. Diosmin and hesperidin are two important bioflavonoids essential for the microcirculation. Both have venotonic, protective and vasoconstrictive functions. They help relieve problems such as varicose veins, broken capillaries and tired legs



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