Types of Tea: Calories

Types of Tea: Calories


Tea is the second most consumed drink in the world. Rich in polyphenols that act as antioxidants , some types of tea serve as an energy drink , while herbal and caffeine -free varieties can be soothing (such as chamomile tea ).

Nutritional values ​​of tea

Making tea is simple: hot water is poured over the leaves of the plant or dried flowers or roots and leaves (in the case of herbal teas ). When consumed without sweeteners or added milk , tea is virtually calorie -free .

General nutritional values ​​of a cup of tea

  • Calories:  2
  • Total fat: 0 g
  • Cholesterol : 0 mg
  • Sodium : 0 mg
  • Total Carbs: 0g
    • Dietary fiber : 0 g
    • Sugar :  0g
    • Added sugar : 0 g
  • Proteins : 0g
  • Potassium : 87.7 mg

If sugar or milk are added to normal tea, the calories and nutritional values ​​also change significantly. For example, a 0-calorie cup of tea becomes about 50 calories when sweetened with 3 grams of sugar and a teaspoon of milk.

When it comes to calories it’s not always clear whether there is a difference between solid or liquid calories .

Properties of tea

There are therefore different types of tea (black,  oolong  and green) in relation to the processing and the type of harvesting adopted (the leaves of the shoots rather than the adult leaves picked at different heights).

Drug tea is a  very varied product, used above all in the herbal field for aromatic or therapeutic infusions . The active ingredients of tea are:

  • alkaloid molecules, such as  theophylline  with stimulating properties associated with caffeine and spasmolytics at the bronchial level ;
  • tannins  and polyphenolic compounds with  astringent properties  – responsible for the sensation of  dry mouth  after drinking a cup of tea –  antiseptic and disinfectant  (therefore the consumption of tea is recommended in case of intestinal bacterial infections ).

From a chemical point of view,  theine  can be associated with caffeine and just as coffee can be decaffeinated, tea can be decaffeinated by extraction with water or with supercritical fluids.

Calories of different types of tea

Green, black, oolong and white teas

The single plant – Camellia sinensis – can be used to prepare different types of tea, such as black tea , green tea , oolong tea and white tea . These types of tea contain caffeine and can be prepared by infusing the classic sachets or loose leaves.

Calories, caffeine and nutritional values ​​for a cup of tea:

  • Black tea: 0 calories; 48 mg of caffeine;
  • Green tea: 0 calories, 29 mg of caffeine;
  • White tea: 0 calories; 15 mg of caffeine;
  • Oolong tea: 0 calories; 29 mg of caffeine.


Chai tea

Chai tea is a type of black tea with spicy and aromatic flavors . Like most brewed teas, plain chai is a calorie-free drink. However, chai is often served with added milk, sweeteners, or plant-based beverages such as soy , oat ,  or coconut milk . These ingredients can increase your calorie count significantly.

The calories in chai soy milk vary based on the blends you add , at home or at the coffee shop, and by the amount. The calories in a chai latte range from 120 to 310, when made with soy milk and sweetened.

Macha tea

Matcha is a highly concentrated source of catechins , which are the antioxidants responsible for most of the health benefits associated with green tea. There are 7 calories in 1 teaspoon of matcha powder. Many of the matcha-based drinks available in bars are high in calories and sugar, up to 200 calories per cup.

Calories and Caffeine in the various types of tea

Kind of tea Calories (per cup) Caffeine (per cup)
Green tea 2 29 mg
Tender 2 48mg
Oolong tea 2 29 mg
White tea 2 30-55mg
Chai tea 0 26 mg
Matcha tea 7 70 mg
Yerba mate tea 0 78 mg
Chamomile tea 2 0 mg

Herbal teas

Unlike black, oolong, white and green teas, herbal teas do not come from the Camellia sinensis plant. Instead, they are obtained from the roots, flowers and leaves of other plants (for example: peppermint , chamomile, etc.). Most herbal teas are caffeine-free, except Yerba Mate, which is an exception.

Yerba mate

Yerba mate tea is a herbal tea made from the Ilex paraguariensis plant. Yerba mate tea has no calories, but since it has a particularly bitter taste , it is hardly consumed without adding sugar. This increases the calorie content of the drink. Yerba mate tea contains as much caffeine as a cup of coffee.


In ancient times, chamomile, which is made using the dried flowers of the plant, was used medicinally as a remedy for insomnia . Even today, chamomile tea is used to promote sleep and relax. Chamomile tea can also potentially be helpful for people with asthma and coughs .

Calories and nutritional values ​​for a 250ml cup of chamomile tea:

  • Calories:  2
  • Total fat: 0 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 0 mg
  • Total Carbs : 0g
    • Dietary fiber: 0g
    • Sugar:  0g
  • Proteins: 0g
  • Iron : 0.2 mg
  • Calcium 4.7 mg
  • Potassium: 21.3 mg

Chamomile tea does not contain caffeine.


Carrots and baby carrots are also  low in calories.



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