Veganuary: what it is, benefits, how to participate

Veganuary: what it is, benefits, how to participate


For some years, more precisely since 2014, a movement has been born linked to a period of food rigor devoted to detox, but above all to respect for animals and the environment: it is called Veganuary, and it has become a sort of global challenge created by Matthew Glover, Jane Land, who invites those who join – officially and not – to eat vegan  throughout the month of  January  (the name comes from here: vegan + january). The objectives are, through nutrition , to bring people closer to vegan nutrition , demonstrating its variety and also the satisfaction given by creative and tasty recipeswhich have known raw materials as ingredients, and above all a reason to do good for the environment.

The benefits for the body, especially after the Christmas holidays, and the consequent consumption of abundant quantities of food rich in sugars and fats, will be concrete: purification, inflammation of the liver and kidneys.

Veganuary at a glance

  • Diet based on the consumption of vegetables , legumes and cereals
  • The consumption of meat and animal derivatives is not expected
  • Vegan-oriented diet
  • Promotes the conservation and welfare of animals
  • Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Sustainability and respect for the environment
  • It helps the well-being of the organism

Veganuary: what is it?

Veganuary is first of all the name obtained from the English portmanteau of Vegan and January, with which an English non-profit association has been called which since 2014 has “gathered” thousands of people who have thus observed “the detox month” to start healthy year.

The numbers provide the measure of the success of this global game: just think that in 2022 over 629,000 people in 209 countries around the world joined the veganuary .

Even in Italy the phenomenon is becoming more and more popular especially in the last five years. In this regard, many restaurateurs and restaurant and delivery chains focus on vegan dishes all year round, but especially in January. In fact, plant-based and sustainable dishes are increasingly being consumed .

Benefits and Advantages for the Organism and the Environment

The advantages of Veganuary, and therefore of following a diet for a certain period of time, devoid of meat , milk , dairy products and eggs , are appreciable in various fields. Two above all: the organism and the environment. As far as physical well-being is concerned , Veganuary has a high detoxifying power : a diet free of animal proteins , in which vegetables, fruit and legumes are preferred helps the body to burn off the flame, detoxify the liver , clean up the kidneys, improve cholesterol levels, blood triglycerides , and is nutritious at the same time

From an environmental point of view, however, the benefits of Veganuary are of an ethical order: it avoids animal suffering, greenhouse gas emissions from farms are reduced, people are made aware of the issue of sustainability.

How long does it last?

The Veganuary, as the word itself suggests, should last for the entire month of January, or at least for the three weeks of January following the holidays, but in reality the duration is quite free.

What to eat

As we said, the Veganuary is based on a diet that provides for the privileged consumption of vegetables, cereals, legumes and fruit, avoiding proteins of animal origin . As always, the scheme includes five meals, three main courses and two snacks . For breakfast , the following are usually consumed: green tea , vegetable drink, bread with jam or porridge with oatmeal and rice , almond , soy , coconut drink .

At lunch you can eat a first course, such as pasta , brown rice , hulled barley or spelled, with vegetables, or a tonic soup with green leafy vegetables, spinach and chard ; cream of pumpkin , cruciferous vegetables, artichokes , peas (without the use of potatoes ). At dinner, vegetable or veg burgers (soy, tofu , etc.) are allowed with a side dish or chickpea balls , lentil soup , and baked side dishes such as cauliflower, fennel , carrots (preferring the use of spices instead of salt ). For those who do not follow a vegan diet but only detox, they can opt for oily fish , rich in omega 3 with anti-inflammatory power.



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