Watermelon or Melon: Which is Better?

Watermelon or Melon: Which is Better?


Watermelon and melon are the quintessential summer fruits. Consuming them (preferably away from meals because they are not easily digested ) helps the body rehydrate and stock up on mineral salts . Their juicy pulp lends itself very well in the kitchen: perfect to eat alone, as a refreshing snack, they are also suitable for sweet or savory preparations. These two fruits that are part of the Cucurbitaceae family have many aspects in common and some differences that make them more suitable for some subjects, and others less. Both are composed mainly of water: 95% watermelon and 90% melon, and have a modest vitamin content . With a high moisturizing and thirst-quenching powerthey also help control hunger due to their high satiating power . Melon is higher in calories than watermelon, but more suitable for those suffering from stomach pain or gastritis . Diabetics , on the other hand, will have to prefer watermelon, because it is less sugary .

Watermelon or melon: differences

Watermelon and melon, although belonging to the same family, have some differences. Watermelon, as already mentioned, is richer in water and is more diuretic ; melon, on the other hand, is more complete from a nutritional point of view: it contains more  vitamins A, B and C and is beneficial for the intestine (especially for those suffering from constipation and constipation ). The melon has twice the calories of the watermelon: for 100g the melon has 30, while the watermelon 15, a decidedly low contribution that makes these fruits perfect for a low-calorie and balanced diet .

They have several points in common: they are rich in antioxidants , have anti-inflammatory properties , purify the body and help circulation. They contain potassium , phosphorus , iron and magnesium . They should be consumed away from meals, as a snack or on an empty stomach for breakfast , but not at the end of a meal due to digestive difficulties .

Melon: benefits

Its scientific name is Cucumis melo , belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. There are many varieties of melon such as Cantaloupe, Dalton, Macigno, Prescott. The best known, in Italy, is that of Mantua, but there are flourishing crops in Sicily too.

The pulp of the melon is made up of 90% water , contains vitamins A , B and C; mineral salts such as iron, calcium  and phosphorus .

The beneficial properties of melon include:

  • thirst-quenching and refreshing
  • effective against dehydration
  • suitable for the low-calorie diet
  • anti anemic (low iron content)
  • helps prevent the formation of free radicals and cellular aging (it is rich in antioxidants)
  • high satiating power
  • strengthens bones and teeth
  • diuretic effect
  • draining and anti-swelling effect
  • it has anti-inflammatory properties
  • helps improve circulation
  • helps lower triglycerides and cholesterol
  • rich in beta-carotene and lycopene : production of melanin and aid in tanning

    Watermelon – benefits

    Its scientific name is Citrullus lanatus , and it is also commonly called watermelon . Perhaps not everyone knows that watermelon comes from Africa where it was grown more than 5,000 years ago. In Italy it is grown in many central-northern regions: it is mainly found in Lombardy, in the Mantua area; in Romagna, and in Tuscany, in the province of Pistoia. It mainly has a striped green skin, from dark green to very light up to yellow, and crunchy dark pink to red pulp.

    Watermelon is made up of 95% water and what remains is sugar (between 3.7% and 6.4%), protein , fiber and carbohydrates . Watermelon contains a good quantity of mineral salts such as: potassium, sodium , iron, phosphorus and calcium, and vitamins: A, B1, B2, C and PP .

    The beneficial properties of watermelon include:

    • moisturizing
    • thirst-quenching and refreshing
    • purifying and detoxifying action
    • helps fight fluid retention  and swelling in the legs
    • valid help against hypertension
    • antioxidant action
    • protects against cardiovascular diseases
    • helps to keep cholesterol levels under control
    • promotes the production of serotonin : helps to sleep more relaxed
    • stimulates the production of arginine (for this reason it is also considered an aphrodisiac fruit because it would contribute to an improvement in erection )

      Watermelon or melon: contraindications

      Watermelon and Melon have a respectable nutritional profile and are ideal during the summer season as refreshing , hydrating fruits , and rich in vitamins and mineral salts (to be replenished due to the copious sweat lost). However, they have some contraindications, which diversify their consumption. Some subjects, in fact, will have to prefer the melon rather than the watermelon. Or viceversa. In particular, melon is not recommended by nutrition experts in case of diabetes and dyspepsia due to its laxative effect. Watermelon, on the other hand, has an “imbalance” in mineral salts: it contains a lot of potassium compared to sodium, and this could be the cause of the onset of annoying muscle cramps . Those  suffering from gastritis or  gastroesophageal reflux  should avoid consuming watermelon because it could contribute to an increase in stomach acid . Both are not very digestible, and for this reason it is better to consume them away from meals, as they would hinder the digestive process .



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