What happens to drink juice every day

What happens to drink juice every day


Fruit juice provides vitamins and minerals , and is a good part of a healthy balanced diet when it is made with 100% fruit juice with no added sugar . However, fruit juice cannot be compared to fresh fruit, which offers greater benefits, including the addition of dietary fiber that can help reduce cholesterol levels and counteract the onset of cardiovascular problems .

Fruit juices: pay attention to sugars

The sugars that occur naturally in juice, as well as any added sugars, are quickly absorbed by the body, causing an immediate rise in blood sugar .  It should be known that the  pancreas produces insulin, which is continuously released into the bloodstream ; Insulin’s job is to remove  sugar from the bloodstream and into the muscle cells, fat and liver where it can be stored in case of subsequent consumption. The body is usually able to regulate blood insulin levels: when insulin levels are low, sugar is released back into the bloodstream. In case of diabetes, this mechanism is altered. That’s why patients who have diabetes or have problems with insulin resistance  will need to consume fruit juices in moderation , even if they are made with 100% fruit.


Glycemic index in the glass

Foods , especially carbohydrates, have a glycemic index based on how slowly or quickly blood glucose levels rise following their  consumption. People with pre-diabetes or type 1 or 2 diabetes should preferably include low glycemic index foods in their diet , as high glycemic index foods can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels. To give some examples: apple juicehas a glycemic index of 44 and orange juice has a glycemic index of 50, only slightly lower than that of soda, which has a glycemic index of 63. If we compare the corresponding whole fruit we would notice that a whole raw apple has a glycemic index glycemic index of just 39, and a whole raw orange has a glycemic index of just 40.

Fruit juice: properties

Fruit juice may offer some health benefits, including providing a variety of vitamins and minerals . Juices like orange juice and apple juice offer vitamin C , which helps with iron absorption , reducing inflammation, and boosting immunity. Some juices are also fortified with calcium and iron , which help with blood flow and bone mineral density . These nutrientsHowever, they are not unique to fruit juice, which means they can be obtained, along with other benefits such as fiber, from consuming whole fruits and other foods.

Fruit juices and whole fruit: supply of fibres

Drinking fruit juice instead of consuming whole fruit is penalizing from the point of view of assimilated fibers . A glass of orange juice, for example, contains only 0.5 grams of fiber, while a whole fruit contains 4.4 grams, similarly, a glass of apple juice contains 0.5 grams of fiber, but one large apple contains 5.4 grams of fiber. Fiber plays an important role in an overall healthy diet : it lowers cholesterol levels , normalizes bowel movements and maintains gut health , helps maintain a balanced weight , and helps control blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber, found in foods including fruits with edible skins (like apples), vegetables , and whole grain products (like cereals and brown rice ), helps move material through the digestive system .

Fruit juices: Calorie intake

One of the less positive aspects of the daily consumption of fruit juices is given by the calorie content of these drinks. From a caloric point of view, drinking several glasses of juice a day is equivalent to obtaining additional nutritional value , in terms of vitamins and minerals, but also calories and sugars . If you observe a healthy and balanced diet, and practice physical activity , you will not notice any difference even if you drink one fruit juice a day, but you still need to pay attention to the quantities.

Did you know that teeth…

Some foods and beverages can damage your teeth . Drinking too much fruit juice, for example, can increase the risk of permanent tooth erosion from fruit acids such as citrus fruits , and cause pain or sensitivity when drinking hot, cold, or sweet drinks. Not only that, yellowish discoloration of the teeth and an increased risk of tooth decay can occur .



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