Whole foods

Whole foods

What are

The term ” whole grain foods ” refers to baked goods made from whole wheat flour . Currently, these are highly sought-after products, even if not all consumers are aware of their importance.

In the past, wholemeal flour was considered the flour of the poor; today, wholemeal foods are instead on average more expensive, as they are obtained by re-aggregating separate parts during the refining process ( bran , middlings and bran).


Benefits and Properties

Wholemeal food, in most cases, is nutritionally better, as it has a higher content of:

  • dietary fiber
  • minerals
  • water-soluble vitamins of group B

The caloric intake, contrary to what is commonly believed, is not significantly lower than in refined flours (the difference is a few percentage points, about 2-6 %), since it is linked to the amount of starch , a polysaccharide present in similar quantities in two products.

Furthermore, the bioavailability of the minerals contained in wholemeal foods is reduced, as they are chelatable by the phytic acid present in the fibre .

Despite this, dietary fiber, although not a nutrient , has nutritional and metabolic effects that make it a very important component of our diet:

1. Increased satiety ;
2. Improved bowel function ;
3. Prevention of colorectal pathologies ;
4. Reduction of cardiovascular risk in relation to the positive effects on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism .

In adults, an average daily consumption of fiber of about 30g/day is recommended, through foods that are naturally rich in it . However, it should be noted that the use of whole foods without controlling the caloric intake of the diet is not sufficient to reduce body weight ; moreover, an excessive consumption of fiber can lead to mineral deficiencies, especially in those subjects who follow a low-calorie diet .



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