Abdominal fat: foods that help keep it under control

Abdominal fat: foods that help keep it under control


Excess fat concentrated in the upper body and abdomen can pose a serious risk to health and malfunction of vital organs. The accumulation of  visceral fat that compresses the subcutaneous fat layer surrounds organs deep in the abdominal cavity and increases the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease . Typically of an android nature – the so-called “apple” conformation – when strongly in excess, abdominal fat outlines the so-called ” abdominal obesity”” (central obesity). It is essential to dispose of this adipose concentration, to observe a specific diet and some effective daily actions for weight loss , especially on the abdomen.

Abdominal fat: cut calories

To reduce waist circumference , and chest fat accumulation, you need to burn more calories than you take in. This caloric deficit is able to cause the body to cope with fat reserves as an energy source . This results in an overall reduction in fat levels. Experts recommend calculating a calorie deficit of at least 500 kcal per day to obtain satisfactory results.
This is obviously a guideline number, as the exact calorie requirement (and related amount to burn) to lose weight depends on the level of physical activity , gender, age and body composition . In general, nutrition experts recommend that men never go below 1,500 calories a day. For women the minimum is slightly lower, and is between 1,200-1,500 calories. However , being followed by a dietician and/or nutritionist is advisable.

Abdominal fat and related pathologies

Abdominal fat is positively correlated with dysmetabolic pathologies, increased cardiovascular risk , Alzheimer’s disease and reduced life expectancy; it has a very strong association with type 2 diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance . As well as metabolic type dysfunctions, poor glucose tolerance and high cortisol levels .

Eliminate abdominal fat: indicated foods

Nutrition , accompanied by daily aerobic and non-aerobic physical activity, plays a crucial role in the loss of abdominal fat . Most of the daily calories, in a diet aimed at weight loss and the reduction of chest and abdominal circumference, should come from fresh, wholesome and unprocessed foods , with particular attention to vitamin and mineral salts requirements : the caloric deficit it must not correspond to a nutritional deficit. Losing weight without nutritional deficiencies is the goal. In this sense, the following are to be preferred: fruit and vegetables ,whole grains , lean proteins and healthy fats.
To reduce abdominal fat, certain foods should be preferred instead of others, such as:
  •  whole grains — such as whole-grain bread or pasta , brown rice , millet , barley , buckwheat , oatmeal , quinoa — instead of refined grains, such as pasta and white bread ;
  • olive oil , nuts , oilseeds , coconut oil and avocados as sources of fat, instead of butter and full-fat dairy products (high in saturated fat );
  • lean proteins such as fish ( salmon , tuna , sardines , mackerel , cod , shellfish ), poultry ( chicken , turkey ), legumes ( pinto beans , cannellini beans , lentils , chickpeas ) eggs and low-fat dairy products instead of higher-fat options fatty, such as processed red meats ;
  • vegetables rich in fiber and low in calories such as carrots , beans , broccoli and cauliflower , pumpkin , lettuce and cabbage ( red cabbage , savoy cabbage, white cabbage ). Even mushrooms, although they are not vegetables, are indicated.

Abdominal fat: foods to avoid

To reduce abdominal fat, it is essential to observe a healthy and balanced diet. Eliminate some foods such as: industrial sweets such as snacks and biscuits, sausages , chips and high -calorie snacks , alcohol , carbonated and excessively sugary drinks , candies, muesli rich in sugars , fats such as butter and lard .

When and which vegetables to consume

The intake of vegetables is beneficial for the whole organism and contributes to the general weight loss. Experts recommend starting every meal with a portion of vegetables, whether it’s a small soup, boiled vegetables or a leafy or mixed green salad. Thus, instead of the snack snack , you can bring to the table (or in a container when you go to work) carrots, celery , fennel , accompanied by slices of apple and some walnuts .

In a balanced diet there are at least three portions of vegetables a day. A vegetable contribution beneficial not only for the loss of centimeters on the abdomen, but also for replenishing mineral salts and vitamins . Vegetables must occupy a privileged space on the plate, so as to reduce the caloric intake of the dishes. By keeping the same portions, but shifting the percentages of pasta/ rice , but also of meat/fish / cheese , increasing that of low- calorie vegetables , you can save over 300 calories.



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