Because coffee can make you nauseous

Because coffee can make you nauseous

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world and for many people it represents an essential appointment, when you wake up in the morning and beyond.

Its taste is strong and intense and the elements that compose it bring some benefits but also several disadvantages.

For example, caffeine, having an exciting power , can cause insomnia and tachycardia and for this reason it would be better not to exaggerate with the number of coffees per day and not to drink them in the hours immediately before going to sleep .

However, the side effects of coffee abuse are not limited to this.

In fact, the acids also give the drink its deep flavor , which however may not be easy for everyone to digest. Conversely, for particularly sensitive people or with certain health conditions, they can cause slight nausea .

These are the main causes of the phenomenon.

Suffering from acid reflux

According to a study published in October 2018 in Scientific Reports, the pH of most coffees ranges from 4.85 to 5.10 , meaning it is an acidic beverage .

The stomach is already an acidic environment and the acids in coffee can only increase this condition and accelerate digestion , also causing further unwelcome side effects such as the urge to go to the bathroom immediately after drinking it.

Ingesting coffee or other foods and drinks with a similar pH can also cause other gastrointestinal symptoms such as heartburn , acid reflux and bloating , due to acid building up in the esophagus .

All these events can also give rise to nausea , especially in subjects who suffer from chronic gastroesophaceous acid reflux even without drinking coffee and by abusing it they could see the disorder worsen.

Drink coffee on an empty stomach

Many people have the habit of starting the day by choosing to drink coffee as their first morning action , without having eaten anything first . Although it is a drink traditionally associated with breakfast , doing this gesture could be the trigger for a feeling of nausea.

The reason is always to be found in the pH of the coffee, which being highly acidic if drunk on an empty stomach could irritate the stomach lining and cause this feeling of discomfort which can reach high peaks in some people.

However, the acidity of the coffee is not the only culprit. According to a study published in July 2017 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, the caffeine present in it stimulates gastric acid secretion , a digestive fluid that helps break down food.

This element stimulates the release of gastrin which in turn, if produced in excessive quantities, can cause abdominal pain and a feeling of nausea. If this is the reason for coffee-related nausea, just eat something before drinking it.

Taking certain medications

Nausea is a common side effect of some medications and their interactions with caffeine. Among the main causes of this event are antibacterial drugs, some antidepressants and certain drugs to combat asthma .

Since this is a rather common side effect, in case of taking medicines it is always good to make sure that they can coexist with that of coffee. To do this, it is advisable to consult with your doctor.

Taking caffeine together with alcohol can also lead to further damage to your health.

How to prevent coffee-related nausea

If you regularly feel nauseous after drinking a cup of coffee, you should consider reducing your intake, also by virtue of the fact that the World Health Organization advises not to exceed 4 or 5 cups a day.

However, if you usually drink a large number of them, it is important to reduce them gradually, since according to several studies, nausea is also one of the side effects of caffeine withdrawal.

In addition to this, however, there are other ways to avoid the appearance of this annoyance associated with the pleasure of sipping a cup of coffee as much as possible.

Switch to low-acid coffee

Coffees are not all the same but they differ in typology and type of roasting. Contacting a roaster or a specialized shop that knows how to direct you towards a coffee with a low acid content is a rather valid option, as is choosing a decaffeinated one , which is usually much more delicate for the stomach.

Add milk or cream

Adding milk or cream to coffee can reduce the acidity immediately , making it more tolerable to the stomach.

However, cream and milk contain water, fat and protein (in different percentages), and actively stimulate gastric secretion.

In some people this strategy can prove counterproductive, which suggests the exclusive use of dry foods (cookies, rusks and light biscuits).

Drink coffee after a meal

Food acts as a buffer for the acids in coffee so eating something before drinking a cup can undoubtedly improve the situation.

Particularly suitable foods rich in calcium which helps to neutralize stomach acid, and regular water intake.



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