Fruits with Least Sugars: Which Fruits Are Least Sugary?

Fruits with Least Sugars: Which Fruits Are Least Sugary?


Even though you’ve eliminated processed sugars from your diet, you may not have considered the sugar in fruit. In particular, subjects with type 2 diabetes must, without giving up fruit, consume only those fruits that have the least impact on the blood sugar level , and therefore with a low glycemic index .

While fruit also contains many other healthy nutrients , some varieties are higher in sugar than others. These low-sugar fruits contain anywhere from 1 to 13 grams of sugar , though it’s key to consider serving size, which makes a difference. Of course, all fruit contains far more vitamins , minerals and fiber than processed sugar-added snack foods . High-fiber foods slow down digestion , which means your blood sugar won’t rise as quickly after eating fruit.

But is there a moment of the day better than another to eat fruit?

If you think you won’t eat it immediately, here’s how to freeze fruit correctly .

Fruits with less sugar

Fruit Carbohydrates (g) Sugars (g) Fiber (g) Portion corresponding to 15 g of carbohydrates
Pineapple 12.63 9.26 1.4 119 g
Oranges 11.75 9.35 2.4 128 g
Bananas 22.84 12.23 2.6 66 g
candies 83 81 1.6 20 g
Khaki 16.53 15.23 1.3 91 g
 Dried chestnuts 80.9 15.4 13.1 19 g
Watermelon 7.55 6.2 0.4 199 g
Dates 74.97 66.47 6.7 20 g
Figs 19.18 16.26 2.9 78 g
Dried figs 63.87 47.92 9.8 23 g
Strawberries 7.68 4.89 2 195 g
Kiwi 14.66 8.99 3 102g
Tangerines without peel 1.34pm 10.58 1.8 112 g
Mango 17 14.8 1.8 88g
Apples with peel 13.81 10.39 2.4 109 g
Apples without peel 12.76 10.1 1.3 117g
 Summer melon 8.16 7.86 0.9 183g
Pears 15.46 9.8 3.1 97 g
Peaches 9.54 8.39 1.5 157 g
Grapefruit 8.08 6.98 1.1 186 g
Plums 11.42 9.92 1.4 131 g
Dried plums 63.88 38.13 7.1 23 g
Grape 18.1 15.48 0.9 83 g

Citrus fruits

High in vitamin C , lemons and green limes are quite acidic fruits. They don’t contain a lot of sugar (just a gram or two per fruit) and are the perfect addition to a glass of water to help curb your cravings . Another citrus fruit to be included in the list of least sugary fruits to consume is grapefruit . While grapefruit certainly doesn’t taste as sweet as grapes , they can make a great healthy, balanced breakfast by adding just 9 grams of sugar in half a medium-sized grapefruit. Oranges are another great way to enjoy onesweet snack without exceeding the calories , also increasing the intake of vitamin C . A medium-sized orange has about 12 grams of sugar and less than 70 calories.

Strawberries and Berries

Strawberries are surprisingly low in sugar considering they taste so sweet. One cup of strawberries has about seven grams of sugar , along with more than 100 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Blackberries also have seven grams of sugar . These dark colored berries are also rich in antioxidants and fiber. With just five grams — a little more than a teaspoon — of sugar per cup and plenty of fiber to contribute to satiety, raspberries are one of many less sugary berries to include in your diet.

Did you know that avocado…

While not exactly the first thing people think of when craving fruit, avocados are indeed fruity and naturally low in sugar. Among the first in terms of glycemic index: a whole raw avocado has only about one gram of sugar . Besides that, avocados also contain healthy fats, which will help you stay full.

Watermelon, Melon and Peaches

Kiwis are high in vitamin C and low in sugar — with just six grams per fruit . Watermelons are the iconic summer fruit. They may look downright sweet, but they’re low in sugar. An average slice of watermelon has less than 10 grams of sugar. Watermelon is a great fruit to consume after your workout .  One benefit to eating watermelon is that it’s also a great source of iron . Melons , which owe their orange color to their high vitamin A content , however, contain less than 13 grams of sugar . Peaches can be incredibly sweet, but with 13 grams of sugar per fruit can be considered low sugar.


Here are the tips for preserving fruit and thus avoiding food waste .

Fruits and Diabetes

Even diabetics can introduce fruit into their diet, under the advice of their diabetes doctor and specialized nutritionist. Nuts and fruit juices should be consumed less often than fresh fruit . This is mainly due to calorie density, sugar concentration and smaller recommended portion sizes. It is essential to know which fruits are allowed and compatible with  diabetes , and therefore which ones have a low glycemic index . They include: citrus fruits, berries, peaches, pears, avocados, plums. Kiwano melon also has a good glycemic index.

In addition to the sugar content, it is in fact important to consider the fiber content and the form in which the food is taken. In fact, the more fiber there is, the lower the  glycemic peak  reached after  digestion ; for this reason orange juice  has a higher glycemic index than the fruit in segments, which in turn raises blood sugar less when consumed with the white part of the peel, called albedo, because it is rich in pectin (a  soluble  fiber  ) .



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