High blood pressure: foods rich in flavanols can lower it

High blood pressure: foods rich in flavanols can lower it

Hypertension: fight it with foods rich in flavanols

The British study

People who consume foods and drinks rich in flavanols , including green tea , apples and berries , would experience significant benefits to the cardiovascular system and a significant lowering of blood pressure . In addition to an important range of benefits for the whole organism.

Many benefits, especially in the brain, are given by the flavonols contained in cocoa .

The results of the first study using objective measurements of the diet of thousands of residents in the United Kingdom, published in Scientific Reports, have highlighted the incidence of certain foods present in the daily diet of 25,000 Britons with their blood pressure .

A study in which nutritional biomarkers were used to investigate bioactive compounds: unlike most other studies investigating the links between nutrition and health, the British researchers did not rely on study participants reporting their eating habits, but they measured flavanol intake objectively using nutritional biomarkers – indicators of dietary intake, metabolism or nutritional status that are present in the blood .

The epidemiological study by British researchers, the first to have objectively investigated the correlation between a specific bioactive compound and health, has shown that there is a significant association between the consumption of foods rich in flavanol and the lowering of blood pressure.

What are Flavanols?

Flavanols are secondary metabolites produced by plants, a subset of a larger category of chemicals called flavonoids . Present in various plant species, these fundamental phytonutrients are able to amplify the beneficial properties provided by foods that contain them in modest quantities.

Catechins , for example, a class of flavanols present in various foods and beverages, exert an antioxidant and cardioprotective action . Flavanols have many beneficial properties, they are able to have a positive effect on blood circulation, in particular by protecting the small venous vessels , and contribute to the proper functioning of the liver .

Furthermore, the flavanols would be able to reduce the oxidation of cholesterol , a process that involves an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases . Generally, this fundamental substance for the well-being of the organism is mostly found in the peel and seeds of fruit and vegetables . The need for flavanol varies according to the diet. According to some research, in much of Europe the average intake is 50mg per day. Many foods that help prevent atherosclerosis are high in antioxidants and flavonoids.

Foods rich in flavanols

Introducing foods with a valid supply of flavanols into your daily diet can contribute to the well-being of the body, to lower blood pressure, to improve circulation, and to counteract the action of free radicals .

In the case of vegetables or fruits with edible peel, it is advisable to eat it as the part richest in flavonoids in general, as well as flavanols. When deciding to order delivery dishes, it is useful to check the properties of the ingredients and their nutritional value in order to choose healthier take-away foods.

Here are the foods rich in flavanols to introduce into your daily diet. Many of them are part of the list of healthy and cheap foods that must never be missing in a balanced diet.

  • apples,
  • avocados ,
  • figs ,
  • mango ,
  • strawberries ,
  • cherries ,
  • black tea ,
  • green tea
  • broccoli
  • cocoa
  • spinach
  • red onion
  • lettuce
  • blueberries
  • buckwheat
  • white and red wine


Green tea and dark chocolate

Due to their nutritional richness they are considered superfoods. Cocoa and green tea are the foods that boast the highest content of flavanols, health allies. Cacao, the main component of dark chocolate , contains high doses of flavanols, including epicatechin , catechin and oligomeric proanthocyanidins .

Cocoa improves mood, counteracts stress , strengthens the immune system and memory , and causes a significant dilation of peripheral blood vessels This explains why foods rich in these flavonoids would protect against coronary heart disease , including heart attacks .

Green tea , antioxidant food par excellence capable of slowing down aging , promoting tissue regeneration and counteracting the action of free radicals, contains flavanols capable of alleviating oxidative stress .

Green tea may also fight inflammation .

Oxidative stress is caused by various factors, including pollution, diet and exposure to chemical agents, circumstances that could create an imbalance between free radicals and the body’s ability to eliminate them.

Flavanols: protect against cardiovascular diseases

Consuming foods rich in flavanols, including herbs and spices that can lower blood pressure , would protect against heart disease and anti-inflammatory processes . Catechins , a type of flavonoid, would contribute to the well-being of the heart , thanks to their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects .

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the main catechin in which green tea is rich, could reduce vascular inflammation by inhibiting the generation of nitric oxide . Furthermore, reduced nitrogen levels may decrease endothelial exocytosis .

Endothelial cells form the lining of blood vessels: when vesicles of these cells fuse with the plasma membrane they give rise to endothelial exocytosis , releasing pro-inflammatory proteins , which cause vascular inflammation , a state preceding arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries ).



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