The worst anti-longevity drinks for the body

The worst anti-longevity drinks for the body


Health pitfalls are hidden in the glass, although it is not so obvious. Some drinks are considered decidedly harmful to the health of the body, such as fruit juices rich in sugars , fizzy drinks, coffee creams and alcohol. The fluids we consume are essential for supporting the body’s daily functions, such as eliminating toxins , maintaining chemical balance and repairing tissue. If some drinks such as water and unsweetened tea, but also cucumbers and fruit and vegetable extracts , nourish the body’s processes and promote long-term health,the same cannot be said of some drinks which should be decidedly limited, if not eliminated altogether.

Fruit juices

Fruit juice , for example, isn’t as healthy as it sounds. Only if we take into consideration a 100% fruit smoothie or extract can we consider the choice of drinking a juice as a healthy hunger breaker. Fruit juices , in fact, often contain high amounts of sugar and can contribute to high blood sugar levels . Many studies have linked the excessive use of sweeteners, which can impair glucose and lipid metabolism , to increased inflammation and obesity. Better to eat the whole fruit, and preserve vitamins and nutrients .

Did you know that energy drinks…

Even energy drinks , widely used among the youngest and sports enthusiasts, are not a panacea for health, especially for those suffering from cardiovascular problems. The caffeine content is responsible for heart problems, high blood pressure and palpitations . These drinks are not to be confused with the intended isotonic drinks used by sportsmen: they do not contain caffeine, which actually causes dehydration .


Alcoholic beverages are often responsible for even serious liver diseases, such as cirrhosis and cancer . This is because alcohol is a toxin that affects every cell type in the body. When alcohol intake is limited in time and quantity, the body manages to dispose of it. Otherwise, long-term use, and excessive abuse, can contribute to heart disease , stroke , liver disease , cancer, and other chronic conditions. Consuming small quantities of alcoholic beverages on a regular basis also favors the occurrence of cognitive disorders.

When choosing between wine and spirits, the former, which is less harmful to the body and the liver , should be preferred . In general, nutrition experts advise not to exceed two drinks a week.

Carbonated and sugary drinks

Carbonated and sugary drinks, likewise, are harmful to the body. Just think how much in American society, the massive consumption of soda drinks represents the main source of added sugars in the diet, with health consequences such as heart disease, cancer, metabolic disorders, type 2 diabetes and obesity. Even carbonated drinks with zero sugars , and therefore dietary, are actually harmful: the artificial sweeteners among the main ingredients of these drinks can cause gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, gas and diarrhea , if drunk in large quantities and daily.

Sweetened tea

Tea is known for its valuable mine of flavonoids , powerful plant compounds that act as antioxidants and protect cellular function. However these health benefits can be nullified if the tea contains an excess of sugar which can affect the metabolism and increase the appetite stimulus . Don’t use freeze- dried iced tea brews , or commercially sold ones loaded with sugar. Rather it is better to prepare a classic green tea without sugar, and leave some fresh fruit to infuse for a few hours, such as berries , strawberries ,peaches , or mint , lemon balm but not syrups rich in sugar.

Health risks of sugary and carbonated drinks

The main negative effects of massive consumption of carbonated and excessively sugary drinks are:

  • high blood sugar levels
  • type 2 diabetes
  • metabolic dysfunctions
  • obesity
  • weight gain
  • digestive difficulties
  • intestinal dysbiosis
  • abdominal swelling
  • nausea
  • abdominal gas
  • diarrhea
  • vomit

Coffee cream

Coffee, unless the quantity of cups drunk during the day is exceeded, is well tolerated. The coffee cream deserves a different discussion, rich in saturated fats (it is often prepared with the addition of cream ) and added sugars. The caffeine, combined with high quantities of sugars and fats, make this preparation not particularly healthy.



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