What happens if you eat chocolate every day

What happens if you eat chocolate every day
Almost everyone likes chocolate and besides being very good, thanks to the presence of cocoa and other components it generates numerous benefits, but also many contraindications , especially if it is consumed in excess.There are those who even do it every day but before carrying on with this habit it is good to understand what the effects may be on the body.

Consequences of daily consumption of chocolate

  • It might make you nervous
  • It can weaken the heart
  • Increases bad cholesterol
  • May contribute to weight gain
  • It could trigger intestinal problems
  • It could promote the formation of kidney stones
  • It could trigger migraines
  • It could damage the leather

It might make you nervous

Chocolate is a good source of carbohydrates , which represent the body’s first fuel, essential for providing the right energy to face the day.

If you exaggerate, however, the positive energy can turn into negative because there are small doses of caffeine in chocolate which can make you slightly nervous and cause restlessness and sleep problems .

For most people, the concentration of caffeine present in chocolate is lower than that recommended, so it shouldn’t create major problems in this respect, but if you don’t want to risk it, the ideal solution is to opt for white chocolate, the only one without caffeine because made with cocoa butter only .

It can weaken the heart

Chocolate is good for the heart thanks to the presence of plant compounds called flavonoids which are found in cocoa and can help lower bad LDL cholesterol , improve blood flow and reduce insulin resistance linked to heart disease and diabetes. type 2 .

Some studies also show that moderate amounts of chocolate can lower blood pressure and stroke risk .

At the same time, however, excess inevitably leads to a greater intake of sugar , which in turn is responsible for various health problems , including heart problems .

For this reason, although chocolate can generally be said to be beneficial for the heart, it is always good not to eat it every day in order not to run the risk of obtaining the opposite effect.

Furthermore, a good choice is to prefer dark chocolate because compared to milk or white chocolate it tends to have less sugar and more flavonols, which also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects .

Increases bad cholesterol

While the flavonoids in cocoa may be linked to lowering cholesterol , some types of chocolate, especially when eaten in excess, can lead to increased levels of bad cholesterol.

We are talking about milk or white chocolate , which contain the saturated fats of cocoa butter , the natural fat of the cocoa bean , whose continuous intake leads to an increase in bad cholesterol.

It can contribute to weight gain

What makes chocolate particularly problematic in this respect is the sugar content . Foods that cause blood sugar spikes can lead to increased hunger and cravings for food, and over time this pattern increases the risk of gaining weight, as well as developing diabetes and heart disease.

But again, moderation is key. In fact, eating a little chocolate from time to time together with an overall balanced and varied diet does not necessarily contribute to weight gain , especially if you choose dark chocolate, which has less sugar and fat than milk and white chocolate. .

It could trigger intestinal problems

The types of chocolate that contain higher amounts of dairy elements and added sugars can cause gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea , bloating, stomach pain and gas , especially if you are lactose intolerant or sugar sensitive.

Caffeine can also lead to these problems because it stimulates contractions in the gastrointestinal tract and triggers the production of stomach acid. For this reason, especially people with particularly sensitive intestines shouldn’t eat it every day.

It could promote the formation of kidney stones

Kidney stones form when there is a high concentration of certain chemicals, such as oxalates, in the urine , which generate crystals that can turn into stones.

People prone to kidney stones should be careful with chocolate because this food is rich in oxalates.

While it’s not necessary to completely cut out chocolate, limiting it to special occasions is probably a safe idea.

It could trigger migraines

Excessive consumption of chocolate is a common trigger for migraines , due to the presence of caffeine and beta-phenylethylamine, stimulants that can affect the way the nervous system works and cause blood vessels to narrow , eventually leading to a ‘migraine.

It could damage the leather

Eating milk or white chocolate every day can undermine your skin’s beauty and health . Highly sugary foods , in fact, often contribute to acne because they cause blood sugar spikes which can in turn initiate an inflammatory response and increase sebum production .

In addition to sugar, the milk contained in some types of chocolate could also exacerbate pimples .

That’s why it’s best not to eat chocolate before going to sleep .



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