What happens to the body if you always drink sparkling water

What happens to the body if you always drink sparkling water

Water represents 60% of body weight and this high percentage testifies to the great importance that this element has for the health of the organism.

Staying hydrated , by drinking enough water every day, is essential to ensure that various functions are carried out at their best, including digestion and maintaining body temperature .

However, not all waters are the same and knowing them can help you make the best choice for yourself. The biggest distinction is between still water and carbonated water . Above all, those who struggle to drink the minimum daily quantity often opt for the carbonated one, which they perceive as more pleasant, but doing it every day on an ongoing basis is not necessarily an optimal choice.

Positive effects of sparkling water on the body

By natural water we mean the water that flows naturally from the sources and that does not undergo any treatment. To produce carbonated water, however, carbon dioxide is artificially added to the natural one, which creates the classic bubbles.

The sensation you get when drinking carbonated water is that of immediate freshness and pleasantness on the palate and for this very reason it is chosen more frequently in the summer or when you feel you need to quench your thirst more than usual.

Carbon dioxide in itself does not represent a harmful factor for the body and for this reason it is not correct to say that drinking carbonated water is bad for you.

On the contrary, the positive effects it would generate are different. The first is that it facilitates digestion . In fact, the bubbles, or carbon dioxide, stimulate the production of gastric juices, facilitating and making gastric emptying quicker and simpler .

Carbonated water would also increase the sense of satiety . Especially if drunk before meals it significantly reduces the stimulus of hunger because carbon dioxide fills part of the stomach .

Finally, carbonated water is particularly rich in minerals such as magnesium , calcium , potassium and sodium .

Negative effects of sparkling water on the body

Even though carbon dioxide itself is not an enemy of the body, excessive consumption of carbonated water can lead to some problems.

The first is abdominal swelling , sometimes accompanied by pain and gastric dilatation.

The bubbles, in fact, can cause the dilatation of the gastric walls . This effect is harmful for anyone but especially for those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux , who could see their conditions worsen.

Other pathologies also don’t get along particularly well with carbonated water. Those suffering from ulcers and gastritis should keep away from them in order not to risk worsening their symptoms.

Finally, over time, drinking carbonated water can damage tooth enamel , again due to the action of the carbon dioxide present inside it.

Types of waters

In addition to the presence of carbon dioxide which characterizes sparkling water, the waters are also distinguished by the value of the fixed residue , which indicates the concentration of mineral salts and trace elements present in a liter of water.

To identify it, the residual sediment left by a liter of mineral water evaporated at 180° is analysed.

Based on this classification, waters are divided into different categories.

  • Minimally mineralized waters. These waters have up to 50 milligrams of fixed residue and are defined as light. They favor diuresis and the expulsion of small kidney stones .
  • Oligomineral water. These waters are poor in mineral salts, and in particular in sodium, which are present in quantities ranging from 51 to 500 milligrams per litre. This feature makes them perfect for drinking at the table every day, and this is also why they are the most popular. In addition, they stimulate and improve diuresis . They are particularly recommended for people suffering from chronic renal insufficiency , water retention and for those who follow diets low in sodium. Also ideal to be drunk by younger children and to be used as an addition to powdered milk , because they do not alter the value of the nutritional components of this foodinvaluable for the growth of newborns.
  • Medium mineralized waters. These waters have from 501 to 1,500 milligrams of fixed residue per liter and consequently the presence of mineral salts is higher.
  • Waters rich in mineral salts. These waters have more than 1,500 milligrams per liter of fixed residue. Being very rich in salts, they are most often used for healing purposes and only on the advice of a doctor. Their high capacity to replenish liquids and minerals lost through perspiration also makes them particularly suitable for sportsmen, during physical activity or in the warmer months.

More specifically, based on the quantity of mineral salts, the waters are also divided into bicarbonate waters (calcium > 600 mg/l ), sulphate waters ( sulphates > 200 mg/l), chlorinated waters (chloride > 200 mg/l), calcium calcium > 150 mg/l), magnesium (magnesium > 50 mg/l), fluorinated ( fluorine > 1mg/l), ferruginous ( iron > 1mg/l), sodium (sodium > 200 mg/l) and low sodium (sodium < 20 mg/l).



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